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04/11/1984 P&Z Minutes
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Planning & Zoning Board
04/11/1984 P&Z Minutes
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• <br />Planning & Zoning Board <br />April 11, 1984 <br />Page -2- <br />CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT - KENNEL LICENSE - JOANNE BUCHOLZ <br />Ms. Bucholz appeared before the Board on March 14, 1984 requesting a Con- <br />ditional Use Permit for a Kennel License for a lot she is purchasing in <br />Arena Acres where she plans to build a new house. The Board had a quest- <br />ion regarding issuing a Kennel License on a non - conforming lot in an ER <br />area. Mr. Hawkins, City Attorney had explained that it would be difficult <br />to uphold the proposed change in the ordinance but did not address this <br />particular situation. <br />Mr. Prokop asked Mr. Kluegel, based upon the present Kennel Ordinance as it <br />now stands would Ms. Bucholz application be an approvable application even <br />though her lot is a non - conforming lot due to its size? Mr. Kluegel said, <br />yes. The lot is grandfathered in since it is a lot of record. Mr. Prokop <br />continued; the lot itself, size wise, is not up to the ER requirement, so <br />in that sense it is a non- conforming lot. If you put a Kennel on that lot <br />would it be a further intensification of a non - conforming use? The Clerk <br />told the Board she had spoken to the City Administrator about this issue <br />and he had said you have to deal with the ordinance as it now stands and <br />the ordinance does not mention non - conforming lots as eliminated from the <br />Kennel provisions. <br />Ilir. Kluegel noted that in the present ordinance Kennel licenses are listed <br />s a Conditional Use in an ER area. The Board has already granted Kennel <br />licenses on non- conforming lots in an ER area. Mr. McLean asked if a <br />Kennel license has already been approved in an ER area on a non - conforming <br />lot. It was pointed out that one was approved on Elbe Street within the <br />past few months. This is an ER area and the lot is one third of an acre. <br />A precedence has been set. <br />Mr. Prokop moved to recommend to Council that the petition of Joanne Bucholz <br />dated February 24, 1984 for a Conditional Use Permit for a Kennel License <br />to have three small house dogs to comply with the City requirements for a <br />Kennel License over two dogs, the dogs are to be housed indoors and no <br />outside kennels built be approved. Mrs. Klaus seconded the motion. <br />Mr. Ostlie asked Ms. Bucholz if there would be a problem with the limit of <br />just three dogs. Ms. Bucholz said that would not be a problem. She would <br />not be breeding dogs. <br />On the motion, motion declared passed. <br />CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT - KENNEL LICENSE - HELEN ELLEDGE /LORRAINE KAMMERER <br />Mr. Kluegel explained Mrs. Elledge is requesting a Conditional Use Permit <br />for a Kennel License for three dogs. The property is located at 7790 Lake <br />Drive which is zoned ER and contains two acres. Mrs. Elledge said she does <br />411 of plan to breed dogs and will have only the three dogs. <br />It was noted that Mrs. Larraine Kammerer is the property owner and the app- <br />lication should be changed to relect that this is a request by Mrs.Kammerer <br />rather than Mrs. Elledge. <br />
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