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03/30/1983 P&Z Minutes
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Planning & Zoning Board
03/30/1983 P&Z Minutes
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0\) <br />Planning and Zoning Board <br />March 30, 1983 <br />41, Special Meeting of the Lino Lakes Planning and Zoning Board was called to order at 7:40 <br />P.M., Wednesday, March 30, 1983 by Chairman Prokop. Members present: Ostlie, Klaus, Prokop, <br />McLean. Members absent: Doocy, Johnson and Goldade. Mr. Short, City Planner, Mr. Kluegel, <br />Zoning Official and Mr. Paul Howard, Task Force member were also present. Mayor Benson <br />arrived later during the meeting. <br />The purpose of this meeting was to continue the meeting of March 23, 1983 to finalize the <br />proposed draft Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map and send it to Council for their review and <br />approval. <br />-Page 82 - Subd. 11 (5). Should read "There are no uses permitted by Conditional Use Permit ". <br />Delete (A) (3) (E)., omit word "project" and insert "Manufactured Home Subdivision." <br />(1) Purpose. Change paragraph to read "The purpose of this district is to provide opportunit- <br />ies for Manufactured Homes which meet the design criteria established in the subdivision in <br />a safe, attractive residential neighborhood with all urban service and desired amenities." <br />(2) Sentence should read "The minimum area for any R -7 Manufactured Housing Sut - divisions <br />shall have at least five (5) acres of land, and the minimum width shall fe at least 300 <br />feet." <br />Mr. McLean moved that all changes which have been presented and accepted by the Planning <br />and Zoning Board on page 82 be incorporated into Sutd. 11. Mrs. Klaus seconded the motion. <br />Motion declared passed. <br />ilk-Page 83 6(B). Mr. McLean asked how many tool sheds? Item (6) should read "Permitted <br />ccessory Building. No accessory building shall be permitted except for the follow:(Section <br />1005.04, Subd. (6)) <br />A. Private garage <br />B. Storage or tool shed <br />C. Tool shed and garageshall be constructed and finished in a manner which is consistent with <br />the principal structure. <br />(7). 4th sentence, omit the words "with the advice" and insert, "after review and recommend- <br />ation". <br />(8)(A). Insert the word "residential" after the first word "all". <br />Mr. McLean asked how, who, when, where do manufactured homes get inspected. Mr. Kluegel ex- <br />plained how the home is inspected at the factory and his responsibilities when it reaches <br />the lot. It was decided to add a section to Section 8(13) Manufactured Homes Inspections - <br />Permits. The text shall read the same as Subdivision 10. (6). <br />Mr. McLean moved to have the changes as presented and agreed on by this group for page 83, <br />Subd. 11 included into the ordinance. Mrs. Klaus seconded the motion. Motion declared <br />passed. <br />-Page 84 (C). Change paragraph to read "Single - family manufactured dwellings shall have at <br />least a 3/12 roof pitch and shall be covered with shingles or tiles ". <br />(9). Delete Item (9) entirely. <br />10) (D) Incorporate this sectin with (A) above <br />
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