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01/12/1983 P&Z Minutes
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Planning & Zoning Board
01/12/1983 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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January 12, 1983 <br />Planning and Zoning Board <br />The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Planning and Zoning Board was called to order <br />by Mr. Prokop, Chairman on Wednesday, January 12, 1983 at 7:31 p.m. Members present: <br />Goldade, Ostlie, Klaus, Prokop, Doocy. Members absent: McLean, Johnson. Mr. Kluegel <br />was also present. <br />INTRODUCTION OF CHAIRMAN AND NEW MEMBER <br />Mr. Prokop referred to the Special Council meeting on January 3, 1983 where the Council <br />appointments were approved. Mr. Richard Juleen has asked not to be reappointed to the <br />Planning and Zoning Board and Mr. Wendell Ostlie was appointed to a three year term. <br />Mr. Goldade was reappointed. Mr. Prokop was asked by Mayor Benson to be the Chairman <br />for 1983. <br />MINUTES - December 8, 1982.. <br />Mrs. Klaus noted on page three under the moving permit for Mr. Henry Miers, <br />should read, "that since the agenda was short, Mr. Johnson gave his consent <br />Mr. Miers appear tonight. <br />Mr. Doocy moved to approve the minutes of the December 8, 1982 Planning and <br />Board meeting as revised. Mrs. Klaus seconded the motion. Motion declared <br />VARIANCE - Leroux <br />third line <br />to have <br />Zoning <br />passed. <br />Mr. Bartholdi appeared in behalf of Mr. Leroux who was also in the audience. Mr. <br />Bartholdi gave some background on Mr. Leroux's land transactions. In 1977 Mr. Leroux <br />entered into two contracts for deeds with Mr. Peter Scherer who owned the 40 acre tract <br />of which the two parcels were part. The reason that Mr. Leroux is applying for the <br />variance is that the two contracts are now paid off and now it is time for Mr. Scherer <br />to give Mr. Leroux a warrantee deed for the parcels. However, the contracts for deed <br />were never recorded at the County and the warantee deeds cannot be recorded now be- <br />cause of the moratorum. <br />Mr. Bartholdi displayed a survey map indicating by color the two parcels of land for <br />which the variance is requested. Parcel #1 is in green and parcel #2 is yellow. Mr. <br />Bartholdi explained the brownish color section is the parcel Mr. Leroux purchased by <br />warantee deed and which is now his homestead. The deed is recorded. At that time <br />Mr. Leroux received from Mr. Schererby contract for deed a parcel shown in yellow. <br />Mr. Leroux received a building permit to build his home and his pole building. In <br />1979 Mr. Lecher who was representing the property owner to the southeast of this <br />parcel, Mr. Jankus, approached Mr. Leroux and outlined an exchange of property shown <br />in red for another parcel which Mr. Bartholdi outlined with his finger. Mr. Leroux <br />did make the exchange and the deeds were drawn up and recorded showing the easements. <br />This land is owned in fee simple by Mr. Scherer but is under contract for deed to <br />Mr. Leroux.and the contract is now paid. <br />Mr. Bartholdi continued by stating that in approximately 1980 the City came to Mr. <br />Leroux and asked him to acquire an additional 60' adjacent to his homestead. The <br />reason for this was that an access into parcel #2 was needed. Mr. Leroux asked Mr. <br />Scherer for the additional 60' and Mr. Scherer agreed but asked Mr. Leroux to pur- <br />chase the balance of the parcel between the homestead and parcel #2. This was also <br />• by contract for deed and this contract was not recorded. This contract is now paid. <br />Mr. Bartholdi said the reason they are asking for the variance is not so much as sub- <br />dividing but combining parcel of land into two parcels of land and to clear up access <br />problems. He indicated each combination. Mr. Bartholdi said he had talked to the <br />
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