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04/14/1982 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
04/14/1982 P&Z Minutes
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Planning and Zoning <br />k'v 4Z/ April 14, 1982 <br />The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Planning and Zoning Board was called <br />to order at 7:30 P.M., April 14, 1982 by Chairman Johnson with all members <br />present. It was noted that Mr. Schumacher would not be present at this <br />meeting. Mr. Kluegel, Building Official, was also present. <br />Mr. Prokop moved to approve the minutes of March 10, 1982 as presented. <br />Seconded by Mr. Goldade, Motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Kluegel presented the Council action on the last meeting noting that a <br />copy of the Moratorium Ordinance was provided for each member. This <br />ordinance will become effective May 12, 1982. <br />Mr. Kluegel also reported that Mr. Nathe had requested his rezoning request <br />be tabled, therefore, no Council action had been taken. <br />VARIANCE - MIERS <br />Mr. Miers is requesting a variance for the split of a parcel of land of less <br />that 22 acres from the land he now owns located on Old Birch Street. He <br />plans to either moved a home onto the lot or construct a new home at that <br />location. He said he was undecided at this point. The home located at <br />the Apitz Garage is for sale to be moved and he has made an offer. However, <br />if that home is moved onto the lot, he will construct a double attached <br />garage. Otherwise, he will construct a new home with the same garage. <br />After some discussion, Mr. McLeam moved to recommend to the Council approval <br />of this request. Seconded by Mr. Prokop. Mr. Johnson emphasized that this <br />is a buildable lot. Motion carried unanimously. <br />VARIANCE - FARVIEW SIGN CO. <br />Mr. Nugent was present to reproesent that company explaining that in the <br />process of applying for a sign permit, two locations had been submitted, <br />a permit had been issued, but for the wrong location. This is the site <br />the sign had been erected. MR. Kluegel had red - tagged the construction <br />and the Attorney had advised them they had two optiions, 1) move the sign, <br />or 2) apply for a variance for the present location. <br />There was discussion as to the reason why this sign had been constructed <br />at the wrong location, why construction was not stopped when red - tagged <br />and if the sign on the silo had been painted out. <br />Mr. Nugent said when the permit was received, the location was not question- <br />ed, even though it was different, they took this to be the decision of the <br />Council. -The Construction was completed because it costs no more to move <br />the sign, either way. <br />After some discussion, Mr. Juleen moved to recommend to the Council approval <br />of this variance due to the monatary hardship in moving the sign. Seconded <br />by Mr. McLean. Motion carried with Mr. Prokop and Mr. Doocy voting, No. <br />0 JOHN PETERSON - LOTS ON BLACK DUCK <br />Mr. Peterson pointed out that he has no monetary interest in those lots - <br />he is only here to assist this Board, if possible. <br />
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