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01/07/1981 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
01/07/1981 P&Z Minutes
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n .; <br />1 Special Planning and Zoning Board <br />January 7, .]A-80' <br />• The special meeting of the Lino Lakes Planning and Zoning Board was called to <br />order at 7:30 P.M. by V- Chairman Heath. Members present; Prokop, Doocy, <br />Johnson, Bathke, Schwankl, Kiaus. <br />Mr. Heath noted that this meeting was called for the purpose to, consider a <br />special use permit application by El Rehbein & Son for Lakes Add. #7. <br />Mr. Prokop asked to present two concerns of his before this hearing began <br />1) he questioned the installation of a street off Elmcrest going West - he <br />wondered if the Planning and Zoning should be giving guidance for the con- <br />struction of this new street; and 2) relative to development in Lino Lakes - <br />when he built on an unimproved street, he was required to put in a black top <br />street. Last week he / Ad inspected Shenandoah III and this area has a gravel <br />roadway. Mr. Prokop wondered if there is special consideration given to <br />large developers that different from individuals. <br />Mr. Heath noted that there will be questions from the Board members on the <br />presentation of the Planner and the Attorney, but not from the audience. The <br />audience will be given an opportunity to ask questions after the developer's <br />presentation. <br />Mr. Schumacher presented a brief overview of what outlots are being considered <br />under this application, the action taken, the dates the actions were taken <br />and the status of the plat at this date. <br />Mr. Locher presented the action of the Court and the direction given this <br />• Board by the Judge with the time frame for action. <br />Mr. Short presented his findings on this special use permits as it relates to <br />existing ordinances and the proposed Comprehensive Plan. He had researched <br />the impact of this project on Public facilities, public utilities, general <br />welfare of the public and traffic. He found no impact on the first three <br />items and then went through the various relavent chapters of the Comprehensive <br />Plan for the fourth. <br />Mr. Johnson asked if a Special Use Permit is better that a rezone? and Mr. <br />Short said, Yes, in that on a Special Use Permit, conditions may be attached. <br />On a rezone there is very little, if any control by the City. <br />Mr. Johnson asked why a special use permit was being considered here and Mr. <br />Short said this action was directed by the Court. <br />Mr. Short presented some figures for projected population - quads would result <br />in 269 persons; platted as single family lots there would be a total of 214 <br />persons - the quads would represent a total of 55 more persons. <br />Mr. Heath asked, if one of the conditions of the Special Use Permit could be <br />a limit on the number of bedrooms and Mr. Short said that could be a consider- <br />ation. Mr. Short pointed out the landscaping and screening requirements that <br />could be imposed on a special use permit. <br />Mr. Heath asked what effect this project would have on drainage in relationship <br />IIIto the existing homes and Mr. Short said that the issuance of a special use <br />permit would require that this project would not have any effect on the area <br />drainage - A master drainage plan must be prepared and submitted to RCWB for <br />approval. <br />
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