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10/15/1980 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
10/15/1980 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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October 15, 1980 <br />Planning and Zoning Board <br />The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Planning and Zoning Board was called <br />IIIto order at 7:45 P.M. Members present; Reinert, Doocy, Heath, Bathke. Absent: <br />Johnson, Schwankl, Prokop. <br />The first item on the agenda was approval of the September 17, 1980 minutes. <br />Mr. Doocy moved to approve the minutes as presented. Seconded by Mr. Bathke. <br />Motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Schumacher reported on the actions of the Council in reference to the <br />request of Mr. Aldridge for a special use permit for the construction of a <br />retail plumbing shop in Carole Estates II. Mr. Aldridge had been asked by the <br />Planning and Zoning to look for land in an area already zoned LI. Mr. Aldridge <br />had failed to find any such property. The current ordinance does allow <br />plumbing shops in a commercial district. The Council had requested the Plannin <br />and Zoning to either approve this request or deny. The file on this action <br />was discussed. The request for the Planning and Zoning Board to consider <br />the request for a special use permit to allow a commercial building. <br />The first it6,.j on the agenda was a request for a speical use permit from Mr. <br />Ferry Malley. Mr. Malley lives in Lakeview Woodlands plat on Knoll Drive. <br />His request is for a 40x64 pole building to be used for the use of working <br />with his antique car hobby. This would enable him to have the cars at his <br />home. This building would be used for a shop and storage. Mr. Malley pointed <br />out that the building would not be visable from the street. <br />Mr. Malley was asked if this was to be a metal building and he said, at the <br />present time, Yes. <br />IIIMr. Heath pointed out that the ordinance restricts a metal building to 150 <br />square feet and the State restrict a detached building to 1000 square feet. <br />He felt this City must abide by those restrictions. <br />There is a house on one side of his lot and he has not discussed this with <br />them. The other lot is empty at this time. There was some discussion of the <br />possible use of the lands surrounding this property. <br />Mr. Schumacher pointed out that the State Building Code states that any build- <br />ing over 1000 square feet must be clasified as commercial. If a variance is <br />granted, this would,in theory,be equivalent to a rezoning of this land. <br />Mr. Malley was asked if he felt he needed a building this large. Mr. Malley <br />said he hadn't really computed the needed footage, but he wanted it large <br />enough to contain all his cars and parts. <br />Mr. Heath said he would like to see the neighbors consulted and he was con- <br />cerned with the restrictions of the State Building Code. Mr. Heath was also <br />concerned over setting a precedent in allowing such a building in a residential <br />area. He felt if one building such as this is allowed, there will be rash of <br />requests for this same type of construction. <br />Mr. Schumacher pointed out the reasons why this ordinance had been adopted - <br />the existance of these building.4eliminates the commercial part -time businesses <br />410 creeping into the residential areas. <br />Mr. Malley was asked if he would consider constructing a smaller building and <br />he said he would consider this but would prefer this size. <br />
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