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09/17/1980 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
09/17/1980 P&Z Minutes
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Planning and Zoning Commission <br />September 17, 1980 <br />Page Two <br />Attelge <br />A special use permit request submitted by Mr. Aldrich was considered next. <br />0 Mr. Reinert read comments from the City Planner, Mr. Bill Short stating this <br />is not consistent with the Comprehensive Land Plan. This plumbing type of <br />business needs to have LI zoning and is not permitted in Commercial zoning. <br />Mr. Short suggested this land be used as planned in the Compreh nsive Plan. <br />Mr. Reinert felt that there was a number of things that need to be taken care <br />of before consideration of this request. — -- <br />Mr. Schumacher pointed out that many of these things have already been cleared. <br />The drainage has been approved by the RCWB in the platting process. There is <br />also sufficient parking provided. The access has been presented to the County <br />Engineer and the access is located where the County Engineer recommended. Mr. <br />Schumacher felt the major question is the Land Use Plan and the zoning. He <br />felt there is a number of commercial properties in this area at the present <br />time. <br />Mr. Reinert felt that much time and money had been spent on formulating the <br />Comprehensive Plan and he felt it is falling apart before it is even approved. <br />Mr. Schumacher pointed out that the problem exists with the 300' commercial <br />zoning along the highways - some of this land is proposed Res. in the <br />Comprehensive Plan, however the commercial zoning exists at this point in time. <br />This makes it difficult for the Planning and Zoning Commission as well as for <br />the staff to give people the correct information. Mr. Schumacher suggested <br />that perhaps a moratorium until the Comprehensive Plan is adopted. <br />411Mr. Doocy asked what the orginal plan for this plat was and Mr. Schumacher said <br />the plat was residential with the lots facing Highway #8 in a commercial zone. <br />Mr. Doocy asked if the applicant is the owner of this lot - Mr. Schumacher <br />said he had a purchase agreement contingent upon approval by the City. Mr. <br />Doocy noted that there is an Industrrial Park on Lilac - are persons being <br />informed of this? MT. Schumacher felt it will be much easier to direct these <br />persons once we have a zoning map. <br />Mr. Doocy pointed out this special use permit is necessary under Ord. #56 which <br />states that commercial buildings in an unsewered area must have this permit. <br />This is the Ordinance the City is currently operating under. <br />Mr. Reinert asked Mr. Aldr -iell why he hadn't look at the Industrial Park on <br />Lilac and Mr. Aldrxah felt this location offered a better exposure to his <br />business, which will include a showroom. Mr. Aldrich pointed out that the <br />first few lots North of 77th are sold for commercial use. <br />4.1-Lo4?(D9€ <br />Mr. Reine t t, j uestioned Mr. x-h about his locating in the Industrial Park <br />and Mr. A-ldrich said he hopes that 95% of his business will be the retail <br />sales, his actually operations as a plumber would be the installation of facets <br />and items such as that. <br />Mrs. Schwankl asked if the Board does not have to follow the current ordinance. <br />Mr. Schumacher pointed out this is where the conflict exists. <br />Ilihe general consensus of the Board was that the retail aspect of this proposal <br />s permissable in this area - the Board was concerned with the actual plumbing <br />operation aspect. <br />Mr. Johnson moved to deny this special use permit request based on the <br />comprehensive Plan and that there are no other buildings in the area. <br />
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