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08/20/1980 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
08/20/1980 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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Planning and Zoning <br />August 20, 1980 <br />Page Two <br />as close as practical. Mr. Reinert noted the area marked notingilthat all <br />•members shall vote on an issue unless a member has a special interest in the <br />issue.`' What 'special interest' pertains to was discussed. Mr. Reinert asked <br />if Robert's Rules of Order has been adopted and Mayor.Gourley indicated that <br />they have. //i].eer,oele+ S4I0 he_'- E.1..e -)es ,,;a j.n: o(.oA) Itgee. e' 1 dat,! 6.6,1t. C GeV+#' a <br />O bY _Nt e ,i -t) `this ki '4/0 N0,.. . <br />The minutes of July 16, 1980 was considered. Mr. Doocy moved to approve the <br />minutes as written. Seconded by Mr. Prokop. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Reinert noted that Mayor Gourley will beieeporting to the Council in the <br />place of Mr. Schumacher, who is unable to attend this meeting. <br />Mr. Heath arrived. <br />Mayor Gourley reported on the Council's action in regards to a request from <br />this Board for a search of the minutes over the past ten years for the actions <br />taken in the Lakes Add. plats in relation to the special use permit. The <br />Council had felt they had made a decision on that special use permit and they <br />are not willing to authorize this research. The Council would also suggest <br />to the Planning and Zoning that they continue to review the Lakes Add. #7 plat <br />as it pertains to the City Ordinances. The Council also wishes the Planning <br />and Zoning,rttY be aware of the fact that they are willing to meet with this <br />body to discuss areas of confusion. They had indicated that Wednesday, Sept. <br />3, 1980 as a possible date. <br />Mr. Reinert asked if there is a written set of guidelines for this Board? <br />Mayor Gourley said there are some printed guidelines - Mr. Reinert asked if <br />this is,some order or does it have to be piecemealed together. Mayor Gourley <br />felt these guidelines would have to be put together to apply to the particular <br />problem being considered. Mr. Reinert felt that since some of the Board <br />members have had previous experience as elected officials and it seems to him <br />that if these guidelines are not in order, it would save some time if they <br />could have the City Administrator go through the various items on the agenda <br />and have the guidelines printed for each item so they will know what is ex- <br />pected of them. He also felt these guidelines should then be adopted by the <br />Council for future Boards. <br />The first item to be considered by the Board was a request from Mr. R. <br />Stephenson for information on constructi4 a garage and storage building on <br />property abutting Hodgson Road. The first 300' is zoned commercial. This <br />is a metal building. <br />Mr. Reinert asked Mr. Kluegel if he had looked into this matter and Mr. Kluegel <br />said he had. There was some discussion on the use of these lands for both <br />residential and commercial. Mr. Stephenson indicated that he wished to rent <br />out a portion of this building. <br />Mr. Larry Johnson arrived at 8:05 P.M. and apologized for being late. <br />Mr. Doocy felt this area is designated as Expansion Residential in the <br />Comprehensive Land Use Plan, metal storage buildings of this size are not <br />allowed in that area. <br />illMr. Stephenson was asking for direction at this meeting and Mr. Reinert felt <br />he should work with the Building Inspector on this matter. Mr. Heath felt <br />that Ordinance 56L should be adheredieta metal building limited to 1505' r <br />no larger than the principle building if constructed of some other material. <br />
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