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04/16/1980 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
04/16/1980 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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Planning and Zoning Board <br />April 16, 1980 <br />..Pa ge Two <br />Mr. Schumacher explained that special use permit pre administratively <br />equivalent to rezoning, and must be handled as such in order to revoke. <br />Mr. Johnsonamended the motion to include 'this special use permit is <br />only for lot three'. Mr, Prokop seconded the amendment. <br />There are no plans to expand this business, Mr. Johnson amended the <br />motion to add, that there shall be no more that 3 persons working there <br />at any one time. Mr. Prokop seconded this amendment. The motion and <br />amendments passed with Mr. Prokop voting, No. <br />The rezoning application of Rite -Way Waterproofing was discussed at this <br />ti m. Mr. Schumacher explained that only the first 300 feet of this <br />land is zoned commercial and the remaining portion of the lot is zoned <br />residential /agricultural. This request is for rezoning the entire parcel <br />to Light Industrial. <br />Mr. Prokop moved to recommend approval of this rezoning rquest. SEconded <br />by Mr. Johnson. Motion declared passed. <br />A plat for Schunemann Corner was next on the agenda. No one was present. <br />The Mar -Don Homes request was also deferred until someone was present. <br />Mr. Pat O'Gara request for a variance to allow a side of less than 10'. <br />IIIThis is to correct a side lot line. The home was constructed too near <br />the side lot line. Mr. Tim Rehbine explained that he had contacted the <br />neighbor and he would prefer the variance - did not say he would not sell <br />the 3' - but felt it would be much cleaner by allowing the variance. <br />This does not involve surveying, deeds, etc. This was not discovered <br />until after closing. The side set back to the foundation is 8;6 ", with <br />a fireplace making is 7'4 ". Mr. Rehbine was told that a survey would <br />be necessary. <br />The general consensus of the Board was that if this measures out to be <br />at least 7 feet, and with a survey, this could be approved. Mr. Johnson <br />moved, Mr. Prokop seconded to table for the suevey. Motiond passed. <br />There was a recess called at this point. The meeting reconvened and the <br />Schunemann Corner Plat was considered at this time. <br />Mr. Short's comments were read by Mr. Heath. He felt this plat met the <br />requirements with the exeception of a 9' foot easement on lot 3. <br />This was explained the home owner abutting this lot wishes to purchase <br />that extra nine feet. This will indicated as an outlot on this plat. <br />Mr. Short's letter continued, - - -- There was a suggestion that this <br />plat be considered for re- subdivision. There was also the recommendation <br />that money in leiu of land be accepted from this plat for Park purposes. <br />The Planning and Zoning discussed the future possibility of subdividing <br />these lots with the suggestion as to the location of the streets and <br />where the present buildings should be located in order to avoid problems <br />if and when this occurs. <br />
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