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Lino Lakes Parks and Recreation Department <br />600 Town Center Parkway <br />Lino Lakes, MN 55014 <br />(651) 982 -2440 Fax (651) 982 -2439 <br /> <br />October 28, 2003 <br />TO: Park Board Members <br />FROM: Mike Hoffman, Parks Supervisor <br />SUBJECT: October Maintenance Update <br />As the days get shorter and colder the grass has finally begun to slow down its growth. This <br />week we will be mowing for the final time this year (I hope!). Maintenance activity during <br />October has included: <br />••• Mowing as needed. <br />❖ Garbage collection as needed. <br />❖ Athletic field preparation for soccer and football. (Thankfully both programs ended <br />October 25.) <br />❖ Broadleaf weed control to approximately 40 acres of athletic fields and irrigated turf <br />(contracted). <br />❖ Flail mowed trail edges. <br />❖ Trail repairs including overlays and patching. <br />❖ Basketball court layout at Behm's (1/2 court) and Rice Lake Elementary School (full <br />court). Contractor has completed site work, bituminous later this fall, weather permitting. <br />❖ Core aerified approximately 40 acres of turf. <br />❖ Added pea rock and Fibar to playgrounds as needed. <br />❖ Stump grinding at Sunrise, Country Lakes and Lino Park. <br />❖ Poured bench pad at LaCasse Drive. <br />❖ Repaired infield sod at Sunrise #4. <br />❖ Audited irrigation systems (check heads and valves and repaired as needed). <br />❖ Began irrigation system blowouts Clearwater Creek and Highland Meadows complete <br />(contractor). <br />❖ Placed order for spring plant material. <br />❖ Fertilized at Clearwater Creek and Highland Meadows Park. <br />❖ Removed parking bumpers and railroad ties from Sunrise Park (parking lot construction). <br />❖ Poured 1800 lineal feet of continuous curb around landscape beds at Clearwater Creek <br />Park (contracted). <br />❖ Equipment maintenance. <br />The turf at Highland Meadows and Clearwater Creek Parks is coming along nicely, but the cool <br />weather we had in September did slow the grow -in process. We will fertilize them once more <br />going into November so they should be ready to go next spring. <br />• That is it for October, more to come in November. <br />sw /parkbrd /mike /October 03 Update.doc <br />