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A. <br />illu <br />Fl• <br />This <br />intro <br />grass <br />ecosy <br />the <br />ment <br />are <br />consi <br />turfy <br />GRA <br />past <br />sive s <br />devel <br />is in <br />proce <br />Di <br />MAN <br />cesses <br />thoro <br />chapt <br />growt <br />emph <br />on th <br />turfgr <br />and c <br />of gr <br />compel <br />the a <br />ences <br />gatio <br />and <br />qualit <br />guide <br />A ch <br />meth <br />tions <br />chapt <br />yield <br />of to <br />i <br />(contli <br />106 THE TURFGRASS ENVIRONMENT <br />used for soils. Particle density (PD) is the density of dry, solid <br />soil particles. It averages 2.65 g /cc. Bulk density (BD) is the dry <br />weight of an undisturbed volume of soil. A well - structured, <br />fine- or medium- textured soil will have an abundance of large <br />and small pores, and its bulk density will be low compared to <br />the same soil in a compacted state. If a soil could be so com- <br />pacted that virtually all pore spaces were removed, bulk density <br />would equal particle density. Comparisons of the bulk densities <br />of different soils may not provide reliable indices for deter- <br />mining their suitability for growing plants. Sands have predomi- <br />nantly large pores; yet, their bulk densities are high because of <br />the relatively large mass of solids making up these media. For <br />example, a bulk density of 1.5 g /cc may indicate a rather com- <br />pacted loam soil with insufficient large pores for drainage. How- <br />ever, in a coarse sand of the same bulk density, aeration would <br />not be a limiting factor in plant growth, but water retention <br />might be. Within soil type, bulk density values are valuable for <br />assessing the physical condition of a soil. Soil porosity can also <br />be determined from bulk density: <br />percent porosity = 100 - (PD X 100) <br />A loam soil with a bulk density of 1.3 would thus have 49 <br />percent pore spaces: <br />1.30 <br />100 - ( X 100) = 49 percent <br />2.65* <br />The percent pore space is only a measure of total porosity <br />and does not directly indicate the distribution of different size <br />pores. Within a particular soil type, however, the percent <br />porosity can provide a reasonable assessment of pore size dis- <br />tribution if a sufficient bank of information exists to compare <br />plant growth response to different soil porosities. <br />SOIL MOISTURE <br />The importance of soil structure and density lies in their <br />influence upon the number and size of pores and the conse- <br />quent movement of water and air within the soil. Water drains <br />rapidly from large (aeration) pores due to gravitational force. <br />This is called gravitational water (Figure 4.16). The remaining <br />water is retained as thin films on the surfaces of soil particles <br />and as wedges where two or more particles come together. To <br />*PD of soil particles averages 2.65 g /cc. <br />EDAPHIC ENVIRONMENT 107 <br />Saturated Soil <br />Capillary <br />(available & <br />unavailable) <br />Water <br />Unavailable <br />Water <br />Gravitational <br />Water <br />Decreasing Soli Moisture <br />Dry Soil <br />Figure 4.16. Illustration of different types of soil water. Gravitational <br />water drains from the large (aeration) pores, while capillary water is <br />held as films on soil surfaces. <br />absorb this water, plants must overcome forces of adhesion and <br />cohesion that hold water in the soil. Adhesion is the attraction <br />between soil surfaces and water; cohesion is the attraction be- <br />tween water molecules. The portion of retained water that plant <br />roots can absorb is called available water. When water films are <br />reduced in thickness the attraction of the soil for water be- <br />comes greater, and eventually plants can no longer secure <br />enough water to satisfy their needs. The tightly held water that <br />is essentially unavailable to plants is simply called unavailable <br />water. <br />A well- structured soil will release enough water in response <br />to gravity so that aeration porosity is adequate to sustain <br />healthy plants. The water content of the soil following drainage <br />of the aeration pores is called field capacity and the air content <br />is called aeration capacity. These are not precise values but are <br />useful as indices of soil structure for a given soil. In a poorly <br />structured soil, removed water may not be replaced by air <br />because of soil shrinkage. Such soils form massive clods with <br />large cracks instead of friable granules. <br />The thickness of a water film at which plants can no longer <br />absorb sufficient water to sustain growth is about the same for <br />all soil types. However, the water content, measured in grams of <br />water per gram of dry soil, at which this occurs varies among <br />soils because of large differences in total surface area. When <br />plants growing in a particular soil wilt irreversibly, the soil is <br />said to be at its permanent wilting point, and the amount of <br />water remaining in the soil is called the permanent wilting <br />percentage. This amount ranges from 1 to 2 percent for sandy <br />