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AGENDA ITEM 6C <br />STAFF ORIGINATOR: Marty Asleson <br />DATE: September 19, 2001 <br />TOPIC: Pheasant Hills Preserve 12th Addition, Preliminary Plat/PDO, Comp <br />Plan Amendment - MUSA <br />BACKGROUND: <br />Pheasant Hills Preserve 12th Addition is the area in the Wards Lake Subwatershed <br />district known as the "island ". Intentions of the developer are stated in the September <br />10 cover letter to Jeff Smyser from Loucks and Associates. This is a planned <br />development overlay proposal. <br />The island is in Wards Lake. Wards Lake is public water. Access to the island is <br />proposed through the construction of a bridge. A DNR permit has been issued for this <br />bridge crossing and stormwater outfalls. Tom Hovey from the Minnesota Department of <br />Natural Resources points out that this permit should not be interpreted as support for <br />the proposed development. <br />The site is within the shoreland district and is subject to the City of Lino lakes shoreland <br />ordinance. Our shoreland ordinance lists this lake as a Natural environment basin. <br />Setback requirements are 150 feet from the ordinary high water for any building <br />structure. The shore impact Zone is 75 feet from the shore is an area defined as that <br />area where no vegetation removal is allowed, and house setbacks must be at least 50% <br />of the distance from the structure to the Lake. It is virtually impossible to meet the City <br />Shoreland Ordinance with this development proposal. <br />The grading plan shows literally every part of the island graded for eight single - family <br />dwelling lots. All vegetation would be removed. <br />According to the Anoka County Sand plain pollution sensitivity cover, the area to the <br />north and west, and heading to the south is very sensitive to potential for aquifer <br />contamination. This area has an estimated travel time for contaminants to reach the <br />uppermost aquifer in the "hours to minutes" range. <br />Mr. Hovey makes a recommendation consistent with previous Environmental Board <br />recommendations to reduce impervious surfaces and maintain runoff volume and rate <br />discharge rates to pre - development levels through appropriate landscaping, impervious <br />reduction, and ponding use. <br />Tom makes an additional point to say that in all likely hood homeowners will want to <br />excavate the wetland in the shoreland area to have open water close to their houses, <br />and avoid planting vegetation that would block their view of the lake. He recommends <br />covenants to be put in place that would further restrict landowner activity in the Shore <br />Impact Zone and Lake if development proceeds on the island. <br />