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ENVIRONMENTAL BOARD MEETING JULY 18, 2001 <br />The Board members in favor worked out the language of the motion. The motion stated <br />that the Board recommends: <br />• Tabling the decision until the submission of additional information, i.e. Rice Creek <br />Watershed District and the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers. <br />• Metropolitan Council states an analysis of impacts of water runoff from the site must be <br />completed before an Environmental Impact Statement determination can be made. <br />• Metropolitan Council recommends the applicant try to reduce runoff volume to <br />predevelopment conditions. <br />• The Environmental Board should review and comment following the submission of <br />additional information. <br />Trehus moved that prior to a negative declaration, the City should adopt a policy that <br />defines how the City will address development projects with more than ten acres of <br />impervious surfaces. O'Connell seconded the motion for discussion. <br />O'Connell pointed out she did want the policy, but it would not impact this project. <br />Chair Lanyon indicated that making the motion would diminish the impact of the prior <br />motion.`` <br />Trehus amended the above motion to remove the phrase po"or to a declaration." O'Connell <br />seconded the motion to amend. <br />Chair Lanyon explained that he voted against the first motion because it would not say why <br />or where it was going. <br />Grunhofer stated that there were many on the Council who did not understand the <br />importance of it. <br />-. rr <br />Kukonen noted that a meeting was planned with the City Council and the Board was going <br />to raise the issue as a goal. <br />Trehus withdrew on, with the understanding that it be put on the agenda for the <br />next meeting. <br />Chair Lanyon suggested the goals move from a global perspective to a project by project <br />basis and then have the Board prioritize them in order of importance. <br />,4° <br />CLOSE MEETING AND CONFIRM NEXT MEETING DATE <br />It was noted that the next meeting of the Environmental Board will be on July 25, 2001. <br />There being no further business, Trehus moved to adjourn at 8:18 p.m. Kukonen seconded the <br />motion. Motion passed unanimously. <br />8 <br />