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at Innitration asms <br />• Before the development site is graded, the area of infiltration basin should be roped off to prevent heavy <br />equipment from compacting the underlying soils. <br />• Light earth- moving equipment should be used to excavate the infiltration basin. Use of heavy equipment <br />causes compaction of the soils beneath the basin floor and side slopes, resulting in reduced infiltration <br />capacity. Since some compaction of soils will occur during construction, the basin floor should be tilled with <br />a rotary tiller to restore infiltration rates after final grading. <br />Maintenance <br />Maintenance is required for the proper operation of infiltration basins, as it is with all BMPs. Plans for infiltra- <br />tion basins should identify owners, parties responsible for maintenance, and an inspection and maintenance <br />schedule. The use and regular maintenance of pretreatment BMPs will significantly minimize maintenance <br />requirements for the basin. <br />• Pretreatment devices associated with basins should be inspected and cleaned at least twice a year, and ideally <br />every other month. <br />• Once the basin has gone on -line, inspections should occur after every major storm for the first few months to <br />ensure proper stabilization and function. Attention should be paid to how long water remains standing in the <br />basin after a storm; standing water within the basin more than 72 hours after a storm indicates that the infiltra- <br />tion capacity may have been overestimated. Factors responsible for clogging (such as upland sediment ero- <br />sion and excessive compaction of soils) should be repaired immediately. Also, the newly established vegetation <br />should be inspected several times to determine if any remedial actions (reseeding, irrigation, etc.) are necessary. <br />• Thereafter, the infiltration basin should be inspected at least twice per year. Important items to check include: <br />differential accumulation of sediment, erosion of the basin floor, condition of riprap and the health of the <br />vegetation. Eroded or barren spots should be replanted immediately after inspection to prevent additional <br />erosion and accumulation of sediment. <br />• Sediment removal within the basin should be performed when the sediment is dry enough so that it is cracked <br />and readily separates from the basin floor. This also prevents smearing of the basin floor. <br />• Light equipment, which will not compact the underlying soil, should be used to remove the top layer of <br />sediment. The remaining soil should be tilled and revegetated as soon as possible. <br />• Vegetation should be maintained to control weed growth and maintain the health of the vegetation in the <br />basin. Weed once monthly during the first two growing seasons. After that, weeding two or three times per <br />growing season may suffice. <br />Metropolitan Council / Barr Engineering Co. 3 -167 <br />