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• <br />CITY OF LINO LAKES, MINNESOTA <br />AUTHORIZATION FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES <br />TO: Toltz, King, Duvall, Anderson <br />and Associates, Incorporated <br />444 Cedar Street, Suite 1500 <br />St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 <br />Pursuant to our Agreement dated , you are hereby authorized to <br />proceed with the Professional Services described as follows: <br />LAKE DRIVE AND MAIN STREET INTERSECTION <br />TRAFFIC SIGNAL IMPROVEMENTS <br />Includes signalizing the intersection and associated roadway work to revise the approach lanes to <br />the intersection, provide for pedestrian crossings around the intersection, and accommodate <br />drainage through the project limits. <br />I. PROJECT DESCRIPTION <br />This project includes the preparation of Contract Documents, including Plans, Specifications and <br />Bidding Phase Services, in connection with the Lake Drive and Main Street Intersection Traffic <br />Signal Improvements. The project includes the improvements recommended for construction in <br />the Concept Layout completed by TKDA dated August 2010. <br />II. SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED BY TKDA <br />TKDA is requested to provide the following services for the Project: <br />A. PROJECT MANAGEMENT <br />1. Provide administration of the Project as follows: <br />a. Perform day -to -day management so that project tasks are completed on <br />time, within budget, and in accordance with state and federal laws, rules, <br />and regulations. <br />b. Prepare monthly invoices and progress reports. The progress reports will <br />show the progress for the month and the progress to date. <br />• c. Prepare a detailed project schedule and update the schedule monthly. <br />