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Council Member 0' Donnell <br />adoption: <br />introduced the following resolution and moved its <br />CITY OF LINO LAKES <br />RESOLUTION NO. 11 -132 <br />RESOLUTION TO ADOPT THE ENVIRONMENTAL BOARD GOALS FOR 2012 <br />WHEREAS, The City of Lino Lakes has an established Environmental Board; and <br />WHEREAS, The purpose of the Environmental Board is to provide aid and advice to the council <br />in its efforts to encourage productive and enjoyable harmony between people and their <br />environment ; to promote efforts which will prevent or eliminate damage to the environment and <br />stimulate the health and welfare of people; to enrich the understanding of ecological systems and <br />natural resources important to the city; to advise the City in the use and management of its natural <br />resources in order to preserve and enhance the environmental amenities for present and future <br />residents, and to ensure a lasting quality of life within the city; and <br />WHEREAS, The Environmental Board approved the following 2012 goals at their October 28, <br />2011 meeting: <br />2012 Environmental Board Goals <br />• Promote environmental stewardship with the citizens of Lino Lakes by communicating <br />environmental initiatives in the city using various means of communication such as: <br />• City Web Pages <br />• Newsletter <br />Spring <br />Summer <br />Fall <br />Winter <br />• Homeowner's association meetings and publishing on their websites. <br />• Press Coverage <br />• Earth Day <br />• Arbor Day <br />• Recycling Day — (May 5thh) <br />• Work with Centennial School District with a focus on ECFE <br />• Participate in Blue Heron Days (August), providing public service educational material <br />to the public if the opportunity presents itself. <br />• Participate in Earth Day (April) activities in the community, promoting environmental <br />awareness and collaboration with other environmental focused organizations. Offer <br />Build Your Own Rain Barrel Workshop. <br />• Offer a series of conservation workshops for residents through the Anoka County Soil <br />Water Conservation District for 2012. <br />