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CITY OF LINO LAKES <br />RESOLUTION NO. 05-51 <br />SOLUTION ORDERING PREPARATION OF AN <br />ALTERNATIVE URBAN AREAWIDE REVIEW <br />OF THE NORTHEAST I -35E CORRIDOR AREA <br />WHEREAS, the northeast portion of the City of Lino includes identified growth areas, <br />existitigaural land uses, existing commercial uses, the Rice Creek Chain of Lakes <br />Regional Park Reserve, and the I -35 E, I -35 W, and County Road 14 transportation <br />condors; and <br />WHEREAS, development of the area likely will require environmental review for <br />numerous development projects in accordance with the Minnesota Environmental Review <br />Pram; and, <br />WHEREAS, the Minnesota Environmental Review Program rules provide for an <br />Alternative Urban Areawide Review (AUAR); and, <br />WHEREAS, the City of Lino Lakes is the Responsible Governmental Unit (RGU); and, <br />WHEREAS, the AUAR process gives the City the opportunity to assess the impact of <br />potential development on the area's natural resources prior to receiving and considering <br />:individual development proposals for approval; and <br />WHEREAS, an Advisory Panel consisting of property owners within the study area and <br />representatives from the Planning & Zoning Board, Environmental Board, and Economic <br />eyelopment Advisory Committee, have reviewed background studies and development <br />scenario alternatives and the City Council has received input from this group; and <br />WHEREAS, a group of representatives of numerous local, state, and federal agencies <br />have' reviewed background studies and development scenario alternatives; and <br />WHEREAS, the AUAR study area includes approximately 4600 acres and is depicted on <br />the attached "AUAR Boundary Map" (Exhibit A); and <br />WHEREAS, the anticipated nature and intensity of development to be analyzed is <br />represented by three development scenarios: <br />1. A scenario consistent with the comprehensive plan adopted in 2002 (Exhibit B) <br />2. A scenario representing known development plans and a commercial /industrial <br />emphasis (Exhibit C) <br />3. A scenario representing a residential emphasis (Exhibit D) <br />