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2012-020 Council Resolution
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2012-020 Council Resolution
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9/23/2014 1:10:52 PM
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9/23/2014 12:05:24 PM
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• <br />CITY COUNCIL <br />AGENDA ITEM 6B <br />STAFF ORIGINATOR: Jason C. Wedel, City Engineer <br />MEETING DATE: February 27, 2012 <br />TOPIC: Consider Resolution No. 12 -20 Revoking Municipal State Aid Street <br />Designations (MSAS 119 and MSAS 121) <br />VOTE REQUIRED: 3/5 <br />INTRODUCTION <br />The City of Lino Lakes has a population over 5,000 and therefore qualifies to be a part of the <br />Municipal State Aid System (MSAS). As a State Aid City, up to 20% of the City's municipal <br />mileage is allowed to be designated as State Aid. The City receives funding, based on the amount <br />of designated mileage, from the State that can be used to fund the reconstruction of the MSAS <br />designated streets. <br />BACKGROUND <br />In years past, the total amount of streets within the City was maintained utilizing an older Computer <br />Aided Drafting (CAD) based drawing. This drawing was created over a decade ago and each year <br />new street segments were simply added to it. This winter we reviewed the City's total mileage <br />utilizing our Geographic Information System (GIS) database. After reviewing the GIS data, it was <br />determined that the mileage previously certified within the City was greater than what actually <br />existed. In correcting the certified mileage we also determined that the City has designated more <br />than 20% of the allowed mileage as MSAS. Per the Certification of Mileage that was completed in <br />2011, the City has designated 0.44 miles more than is allowed by State Aid rules. <br />Staff met with Marshall Johnston of the Mn/DOT State Aid unit on January 10, 2012 to discuss this <br />discrepancy. Upon review of the Lino Lakes system, Mr. Johnston was in agreement with Staff s <br />findings of having designated more mileage than was allowed. Mr. Johnston indicated that the City <br />must come back into compliance with the maximum 20% mileage designation rule. <br />To correct this over - designation, the City must revoke 0.44 miles, at minimum, to come back into <br />compliance with State Aid rules. Upon reviewing the system, two non - existing segments were <br />identified to be removed. The segments include Rehbeins Street and 73rd Street Extension; both <br />segments are between CSAH 21 and 21St Avenue. Between the two segments, the lengths total 0.52 <br />miles Revoking these two segments will bring the City back into compliance with State Aid rules <br />and will leave the City with an additional 0.08 miles that could be designated in the future. <br />
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