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Capital Projects funds are created at the time that projects are undertaken by the City. Some <br />funds are perpetual, or `revolving' funds — such as the Building and Facilities fund, the Capital <br />Equipment Replacement fund, etc. Other capital project funds exist while the project is being <br />undertaken, after which the fund is dissolved. Most capital projects are financed through the <br />issuance of bonded debt, grants or cooperative agreements. In nearly all of these cases, the use of <br />the proceeds is regulated or restricted to the projects by the terms of the agreement or by the bond <br />documents. Once the project is completed, the fund is closed and any residual balances are <br />transferred to a related fund, i.e. balance from a bond -financed project are dedicated to the debt <br />service fund for that bond. <br />Enterprise funds are created at the time the City initiates a business -like venture, such as a utility, <br />a community center, etc., where a product or service is sold. Under these circumstances there is <br />an investment in infrastructure in order to provide the product or service. Fees are established to <br />pay for the operation of the enterprise and for ongoing maintenance and replacement of <br />infrastructure used in the enterprise. Lino Lakes operates water and sewer utilities and charges its <br />customers quarterly fees for the use/consumption of these resources. The City Council has <br />established that the cost of depreciation be included in its fee structure to provide for the <br />maintenance and eventual replacement of system infrastructure. The cash balance of each fund <br />reflects the accumulation of resources for this purpose. <br />Agency and Fiduciary funds are used when the City acts as an agent and custodian of funds on <br />behalf of an outside agency/entity. The City operates a fund for contractor's deposits, used to <br />finance cost of development review and land use related activities. The use of these funds is <br />restricted by the terms of the development agreements with the developers. Once completed, any <br />residual balances are returned to the developer. The Foxborough Environmental Trust fund is <br />used for environmentally -related projects within this subdivision. This fund includes a $100,000 <br />nonexpendable trust, which is intended to generate interest income to use for environmental <br />projects. <br />Interest Income By Fund <br />Attached is a spreadsheet which shows city investment income by fund for each year from 2008 <br />through 2013. At the bottom of the spreadsheet annual average investment yields are listed, <br />along with industry benchmarks for comparison purposes. <br />State Statutes provide for the investment of public funds not needed for immediate use. <br />Minnesota Statute 118A establishes the authority and specific parameters for the investment of <br />public funds. The range of investments for public funds is quite restricted in order to preserve the <br />safety and liquidity of invested funds. Investments in commercial banking products, such as bank <br />deposits, certificates of deposit, etc., over the FDIC insured level of $250,000 must be <br />collateralized. Additionally, Lino Lakes, as most cities, has established an investment policy to <br />guide the investment of city cash reserves. <br />Staff uses a `pooled' investment approach, whereby cash from all funds is pooled together for <br />investment purposes. This allows for sizing investments such that they may be more marketable <br />to achieve better yields. The interest income generated through the investments is allocated to the <br />various funds using the average cash balance of the funds. Funds having a negative cash balance <br />and contractor deposits are not allocated interest income. For budgeted funds, interest income is <br />included in the budgeted revenue sources. Interest income in debt service funds and tax <br />increment funds are dedicated and defined as bond/TIF proceeds. Interest income in capital <br />project funds is dedicated to the financing of that particular project. <br />