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vinmwuy N.vr,v,..n ..,. - r.r..,... -. -. _ - - - . , <br />drawn 40 proposer. A petition remains valid for up to one year from • <br />its filing are with the Environmental Quality Board. If the petition <br />expires, the dtizens must file a new petition for review. <br />Ilnpdu uie sdine yeuytaNui%. °Ica. <br />ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET PROCESS <br />RGU <br />determines <br />EAW is <br />necessary <br />30 CALENDAR DAYS <br />EAW PREPARATION <br />OD- <br />Proposer <br />submits EAW's <br />completed data <br />portions to RGU <br />RGU promptly reviews Data submittal <br />submittal for complete <br />completeness; returns to <br />proposer if incomplete <br />VARIES <br />PUBUC COMMENT PERIOD <br />1 Notice published in EQB Monitor <br />7 to 21 days after receipt of EAW; <br />30-day comment period begins <br />continued <br />* Can vary depending on RGU. <br />-oil- <br />30-day <br />comment <br />period <br />ends <br />1 TO 5 WORKING DAYS <br />• EIS NEED DECISION <br />-► <br />RGU RGU completes RGU distributes EAW <br />notifies EAW and to distribution list <br />proposer approves it for <br />distribution <br />RGU decides if project 30 calendar day <br />needs EIS, prepares judicial appeal <br />findings of fact; and period beings <br />responds to comments <br />3 WORKING DAYS TO 30 DAYS* <br />1 TO 5 WORKING DAYS <br />1 TO 5 WORKING DAYS <br />RGU <br />issues <br />press <br />release <br />RGU distributes Notice published in EQB <br />notice of Monitor? to 21 days <br />dedsion after receipt of decision <br />7 TO 21 CALENDAR DAYS <br />NOTES <br />Time frames are diagramed as prescribed in the rules and should be considered minimum estimates. <br />Day can mean either calendar or working day depending on the timeframe listed for a specific event. If the text lists 15 or fewer days, they are working days; <br />calendar days are 16 or more days (4410.0200, subpart 12). Working days exclude Saturdays, Sundays and legal state holidays. <br />How to count a period of time. The first day of any time period is not counted but the final day is counted (part 4410.0200, subpart 12). The last day of the <br />time period ends with normal business hours, generally at 4:30 p.m. No time period can end on a Saturday, Sunday or legal state holiday. <br />The 30 -day period for EAW comments begins on the biweekly publication date of the EQB Monitor; which is always on Monday. Thirty days from a Monday always <br />falls on a Wednesday, so the comment periods end on Wednesday unless it is a legal holiday. <br />