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CYAN <br />storm runoff in bio - swales. The APPLICANT will be proposing to meet and exceed all <br />landscaping requirements. The perimeter of the property is landscaped with a combination of <br />evergreen and deciduous trees and shrubs. Landscaping will be incorporated throughout the site. <br />Planted islands will also be incorporated into the parking lots and along drive aisles to provide <br />for parking lot definition. A variety of landscaping materials the plant pallet consists largely of <br />plant materials that are unique to Minnesota and more native to Lino Lakes to improve the <br />aesthetics of the parking and drive areas. <br />Minimum sizes for plant materials are as follows: <br />Potted/Bare Root B &B <br />Shade Trees: 2" dia. 2" dia <br />Half Trees: 6 -7' ht. 1 %s" dia. <br />Evergreen Trees: 3 -4' ht. <br />Tall Shrubs: 3 -4' ht. 3-4' ht. <br />Low Shrubs: 18 -24" ht. 18 -24" ht. <br />Screening of the trailers and tractors parked in the loading docks will occur by the construction <br />of a 65' -0" long by 15' -0" height masonry wall. <br />SITE GRADING AND NEW WATER <br />QUALITY TREATMENT PONDS <br />Site grading will occur to facilitate construction of the SuperTarget Store and other retail shops, <br />construction of parking lots, islands, structural soils planting beds; two water quality ponds, <br />berms and swales for the creation of bio - swales and bio - retention basins. <br />Existing site soil regime is of a naturally high infiltration media. Classified by the Soils <br />Conservation Service as Zimmerman fine sand soils type and a Category A soils. Drainage <br />calculations (see Exhibit F) for the predevelopment 100 -year event computed a total site runoff <br />of only 1.54 cfs. In order to maintain the post - development runoff rates at the predevelopment <br />rates two (2) ponds with storage above normal water level and a bio- retention basin are planned <br />on the site. Pond 2 is centrally located on the southern property line. Pond 1 is near the <br />northeast corner of the site and the bio- retention basin is in the southeast comer. Pond 2 <br />capturing runoff from Apollo Drive and parking lot area west of Apollo is planned to have a <br />National Urban Runoff Program (NURP) volume of 1.64 acre -ft and a wet storage capacity of <br />2.12 acre -ft and discharge to the bio- retention basin at a maximum of 10.32 cfs. Pond 1 <br />capturing roof runoff from the SuperTarget and three major retail shops west of Apollo as well as <br />parking and drive isles is planned to have a National Urban Runoff Program (NURP) volume of <br />5.26 acre -ft and a wet storage capacity of 6.12 acre -ft and discharge to the bio - retention basin at <br />a maximum of 2.88 cfs. Drainage calculations are submitted with this narrative for verification <br />purposes. (See Exhibit F) <br />The bio- retention basin in the southeastern corner is an existing wetland (Basin A). This area is <br />planned to have installed 40 vertical infiltration tubes, a berm, landscaping, and a pipe of 6 <br />PARSONS <br />TRANSPORTATION GROUP <br />earmn•Aschman • Da Laaw. Lather, • Steinman <br />Town Center Narrative <br />Page -12 - <br />01/15/01 <br />