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Ex b: 4- I <br />LEGAL DESCRIP71ON PER ATLE COMMITMENT <br />That port of the South Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 8, <br />Township 31 North, Range 22 West, and Lot 15, Auditor's Subdivision <br />No. 134, Anoka County, Minnesota, described as follows: Commencing at <br />the intersection of the South line of Section 8 Township 31 North, <br />Range 22 West, Anoka County, Minnesota, and the Easterly right of way <br />line of Old Minnesota Highway Nb. 8; thence Northeasterly along sold <br />Easterly right • of way fine, of Old Minnesota Highway No. 8 for 444.0 <br />feet 'to the'po/nt of beginning of this description; thence East and <br />parallel with said South line of Section 8 for 413.00 feet; thence <br />Southwesterly and parallel with sold Easterly right of way line of Old <br />Minnesota Highway No. 8 for 209.00 feet; .thence East and parallel <br />with said South line of sold Section for 812.00 feet, more or less, <br />to its /ntersectlon with the Northwesterly right of woy line of <br />Minnesota Interstate Highway No. 351.1; thence Northeasterly along sold <br />Northwesterly right of way line of Minnesota Interstate Highway No. <br />35W to Its Intersection with the East line of sold Section 8; thence <br />' North along sold East line of Section 8 to the Northeast comer of <br />South Half of'Southeast' Quarter of said Section 8; thence West along <br />the North line of said South Half of Southeast Quarter of Section 8 <br />to its Intersection with the Easterly right of way line of sold Old <br />Minnesota Highway No. 8; " thence Southwesterly along said Easterly <br />right of way line of Old Minnesota Highway No. 8 to the point of <br />beginning. <br />EXCEP71NG THEREFROM THE FOLLOWING 3 PARCELS` <br />EXCEPTION NO. 1 <br />That part of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section <br />8, Township 31 North, Range 22 West, and- that part of Lot 15 of <br />Auditor's Subdivision • No. • 134, • Anoka County, Minnesota described <br />Jointly ors follows: <br />Commencing of the Northeast comer of the South Half of the Southeost <br />Quarter of Section 8; thence West along the North line of the South <br />Half of the Southeast. Quorte , o distance of 1172.00 feet to the point <br />of beginning; thence continuing West, along the North line of the <br />South Half of the Southeast Quarter, o distance of 208.7 feet; thence <br />South, 'deflecting to the left 90 degrees, o distance of 233.00 feet; <br />thence East deflecting to the left 90 degrees, a distance of 208.7 <br />feet; thence North, deflecting to the left 90 degrees, a distance of <br />233.00 feet to the point of beginning. <br />£XCEP770N NO. 2 <br />That part of the South Half of the Southeast Quarter, of Section 8, <br />Township 31, Range 22, Anoka County. Minnesota, described as follows: <br />Beginning at o point on the North line of said South Half of Southeast <br />Quarter, distant 158Z48 feet West of the Northeast" corner thereof, <br />thence South at right angles, a distance of 201.00 feet; thence West, <br />parallel with the North line of said South Half of the Southeast <br />Quarter and to the Easterly right of way line of Old State Trunk <br />Highway No. 8; thence Northeasterly on. sold Easterly right of way <br />line to Its Intersection with the North line of sold South Half of <br />Southeast Quarter; thence East on sold North line to the point of <br />beginning. <br />EXCEP7ION NO. 3 <br />t• r. <br />That port of the South Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 8, <br />Township 31 Range 22, Anoka County, Minnesota, described as follows: <br />Commencing of the Northeast comer of said South Half of Southeast <br />Quarter, thence North 89 degrees 41 minutes 23 seconds West (assumed <br />bearing), along the North line of sold South Half of Southeast • <br />Quarter, o distance of 1380.70 feet, to the octuo/ point of beginning <br />of tract to be described; thence at right angle to the North line, <br />South 00 degrees 18 minutes 37 seconds West, 233.00 feet; thence at o <br />right angle, North 89 degrees 41 minutes 23 seconds West, 500.57 <br />feet, more or less, to the Easterly line of Anoko County Highway <br />Right —of —Way Plot No. 17; thence Northeasterly, along said Easterly <br />line of a curve whose radius Is 5641.85 feet; a central angle of 00 <br />degrees 21 minutes 52 seconds, a distance of 35.88 feet, more or <br />less, to Its intersection with the South line of the North 201.00 <br />feet of said South Half of Southeast Quarter, thence South 89 degrees' <br />41 'minutes 23 seconds East parallel with North line of said South <br />Half of Southeast Quarter, to o point of intersection, said point of <br />intersection distance .1587.48 feet West of the Northeast corner of <br />said South Half of Southeast Quarter, and 201.00 feet Southerly at a <br />right angle to said North line; thence North 00 degrees 18 minutes 37 <br />seconds East, on said right angle line, 201.00 feet, to the North <br />line of said South Half of Southeast Ouorter,• thence South 89 degrees <br />41 minutes 23 seconds East, 206.78 feet; to the actual point of <br />beginning. <br />