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05/11/1981 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
05/11/1981 Council Minutes
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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May 11, 1981 <br />ordinance had been made available for persons in the audience. <br />Mr. Locher had reviewed this proposed ordinance and had not found any <br />problems with teh statements in the Oridnance. <br />3 <br />There was a question on the portion repealing certain ordinances and <br />Mayor Gourley explained this merely repeals all other ordinances now in <br />effect and makes this the principle law. <br />Mrs. Elsenpeter had some questions as to how this would apply to parcels <br />of lamd and animals kept there, containing over 10 acres. Mayor Gourley <br />suggested that the opening portion of the Ordinance be rewritten by Mrs. <br />Elsenpeter to include this point. <br />There were some questions as to registration and the reasons for this <br />requirement from the audience. Mayor Gourley explained this would allow <br />pre- existing non - conforming uses to remain. He also pointed out that <br />under the current ordinance a hobby farm must contain 10 acres or more. <br />This ordinance is an effort to allow animals on less than 10 acres. <br />Mayor Gourley announced a recess at this point. He asked that the people <br />who have differences with this Ordinance as it is written contact either <br />Council members or Mr. MCGrath sometime during the next two weeks and let <br />them know. This Ordinance will then be on the May 26, 1981 agenda. There <br />is to be no action on this oridnance at this meeting. <br />The meeting was reconvened. Mayor Courley. asked for comments from the <br />Council members at this time. <br />Mr. Jaworski said his only objection was that he felt the animal unit per <br />acre is too high. As it is now set forth there could be 500 ducks on <br />five acres of alnd - also 11 ponies could be kept on 5 acres of land - he <br />flet it would be difficult to live next door to 500 ducks or chickesn on <br />five acres of land. <br />Discussion on this ordinance was suspended until the May 26, 1981 agenda. <br />ATTORNEY'S REPORT <br />Final approval of Schilling Industrial Park. Mr. Locher said he had not <br />seen the final plat. The Clerk gave him a copy. <br />While waiting for Mr.. Locher, the matter of the Wet Lands map was briefly <br />discussed. <br />Mr. Locher had looked at the Industria; Park plat and found a small tri- <br />angular parcel of land that he had a concern but found that it was included <br />in the abstract. Park land dedication has been provided for this in the <br />Wollan's Estates plat. All agencies reviews are in and requirements have <br />been met. This land has also been rezoned to LI. Mr. McLean moved to <br />accept the final plat for the Lino Industrial Park contingent upon the <br />Attorney checking the legal description. Seconded by Mr. Kulaszewicz. <br />Motion carried unanimously. <br />SCHEUNEMANN CORNER <br />Mr. Locher had not seen a copy of the final plat of this subdivision. He <br />said if it is the same as the previous final plat, then he has a copy of <br />
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