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06/22/1981 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
06/22/1981 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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1.4 <br />June 22, 1981 <br />force, and the time ti will take to amend the zoning ordinance to reflect <br />the requirements of the Comprehensive Plan. <br />Land Use Plan - one land use plan change affecting three areas - this <br />is a classification change fro RR to Rurla, establishing a 1 unit per <br />10 acres. The two areas affected by this change are in the North Central <br />part of the City. The third area is in the Southeast corner of the City <br />and currently is classified as ER and Mr. Short is suggesting this be <br />classified as Rural. <br />Mr. Short explained the reasons for these suggested changes. Mr. McLean <br />asked what the recommendations are for the lands already platted and <br />Mr. Short said they would be allowed to continue the development. Mr. <br />McLean said he disagreed with the calssification of the Southeast area. <br />Mr. McLean said the sewer plans of this area have been planned to cnnect <br />with White Bear Township. Mr. Short agreed, but said this must be shown <br />in the White Bear Township Comprehensive Pland and, at this point in <br />time, it is not. White Bear Township is not interested in spending the <br />time or the money to revise their Comprehensive Sewer Plan at this point <br />in time. If, in the fuure, the City of Lino Lakes, is interested in <br />participating in a sewer extension into that area,then the Township will <br />be glad to discuss this matter. <br />Mr. Schumacher explained this will ensure the development in the City <br />preceeds in an orderly fashion and not in isolated pockets. <br />There was some discussion on the need for a public hearing on these <br />changes. Mr. Short suggested, that since there have been several amend- <br />ments to this plan prior to this meeting, it would probably be better <br />to delay a public hearing on this plan until the draft has received <br />approval from the Metropolitan Council. <br />The second recommendation deals with controlling development within <br />the City that is inside the area planned for sewer by the year 2000. Mr. <br />Short pointed out these areas on his color -coded map. His recommendation <br />was to discourage development of on -site systems by requiring a one <br />unit per five area density or five acre minimum of size. In the areas <br />already platted, Mr. Short had no solid recommendation - a suggestion <br />was prhaps only allowing construction on every other lot - but this will <br />have to be a Council decision. <br />Mrs. Elsenpeter asked how this will affect the already filed plats <br />that are in the process of being develped: Mr. Shcrt said it could be <br />handled tow wasy 1) by only allowing construction on every other lot and <br />2) by requiring the homes to be constructed in such a manner as to in- <br />sure that, if and when sewers are installed, the lot can be split. <br />The third concept to discuss the minimum buildability - this would re- <br />quire that, on every lot with an on -site system, there would be enough <br />room for a back up system or perhaps two, at least 6 feet above the water <br />table. The general consensus of the Council was this was a recommendation <br />they could agree with. <br />The fourth concept was an interium ordinance that would put a moratorium <br />on all platting and development until such time as the Comprehensive <br />Plan ahs been adoted and the zoning ordinance revised and in effect. Mr. <br />McLean suggested that this also include a moratorium on all land splits, <br />particularly the requests for variances to split lands by metes and bounds. <br />
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