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08/13/1981 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
08/13/1981 Council Minutes
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August 13, 1981 <br />4 <br />Gourley Yes. The Motion passed. <br />PUBLIC HEARING - PROPOSED USAGE FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING FUNDS <br />Mr. McLean moved to sett his hearing for September 14, 1981 at 8:00 P.M. <br />Seconded by Mr. Kulaszewicz. Motion carried unanimously. <br />LAKES ADD. #1 - OLD LOTS OF RECORD <br />Mr. Schumacher reported this had been brought to his attention by the Build- <br />ing Inspector. In Ordinance #56, old lots of record must meet 60% of the <br />current requirements, to be built on. It was felt that the City could have <br />some liability in this area and he suggested that some specific policy be <br />set for development in this area. These lots have frontage from 78 feet to <br />100 feet and are on the Lake side and was originally platted for sewer <br />service. <br />Mr. Schumacher suggested requiring the system to be sized to handle the <br />full capacity of the home - or require the system to be installed in such <br />a manner as to insure a back -up system can be installed. <br />Mr. Kluegel said he has no problems with the set backs - even with the <br />lots on Orange Street(which are old lots of record). He is concerned with <br />the possibility of a second 'system being needed and no place to install. <br />Mr. McLean suggested that the City Administrator get together with the <br />staff and formulate some suggestions for Council consideration. <br />I Mayor Gourley asked if a system is not designed to conform with the number <br />of bedroom potential of the home and Mr. Kluegel said, Yes. Mayor Gourley <br />suggested that this Council require a second site be available on the site. <br />ENGINEER's REPORT - 49 CLUB SEWER PROJECT <br />Mr. Meister reported on the alternative methods by which this cost could be <br />assessed to those properties involved. The first method is based on an <br />equal charge of $6,468.00 per unit; 2) based on construction and usage <br />$2,310.00 per unit; 3) normal cost per unit - 2700.00 per lot for 4 lots <br />and the 49 Club would pay the balance of 21,543.00. Mr. Meister said they <br />are looking for some direction from the Council. <br />The matter of how many units should be assessed to each location was dis- <br />cussed and it was decided that the Ice Cream Parlor should be assessed two <br />units and the 49 Club only 9 units. <br />Mr. McLean moved that the assessment policy be according to alternate #3. <br />Seconded by Mrs. Elsenpeter. Motion carried unanimously. <br />ORDINANCE CODIFICATION <br />Mr. SChumahcer pointed out this action had been budgeted for in the 1981 <br />budget in the amount of $6,000.00 and the same amount in 1982. Mr. Schumache <br />reported that four firms had been contacted and interviewed. The results <br />were 1) 7,000.00; 2) 5,500.00; 3) 10,500.00; 4) 8,500.00. There are some <br />flexiability in the number of copies provided. Mr. Schumacher recommended <br />the firm of Collins, Hoff and Allen be awarded the contract for this pro- <br />ject. This firm ahs very good credentials, has worked for the League of <br />Minneosta Cities, and has done this work for other Cities. <br />
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