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10/19/1981 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
10/19/1981 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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Special Council Meeting <br />October 19, 1981 <br />95 <br />A Special Council meeting was called to roder at 8:15 P.M., Monday, <br />October 19, 1981 by Acting Mayor Elsenpeter. Members present; Kulaszewicz, <br />Jaworski, Elsenpeter. Members abosent; Maoyr Gourley and John McLean. Mr. <br />Schumacher, Mr. Volk and Chief Myhre were also present. <br />The purpose of this meeting is to consider the 1982 Budget and Resolution <br />81 -39. <br />Mr. Jaworski moved to waive the "no smoking" rule. Mr. Kulaszewicz second- <br />ed the motion. Motion carried unanimously. <br />PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT <br />Fuel Converson - Mr. Volk briefly reviewed his propane fuel proposal. He <br />had already given each Council member a prepared booklet showing cost com- <br />parisons between propane and gas. He proposed to convert 8 ehicles, 4 <br />public works, 3 police and building inspectors vehicles. After the initial <br />cost of vonversion there will be a cost savings of about $12,000 per year <br />on fules. In 1982 the net savings will be approximately $4,600.00. <br />Mr. McLean arrived at 8:20 P.M. <br />Mr. Volk was asked who would actually convert the vehicles and he said what- <br />ever propane company that received the bid would send a trained representa- <br />tive to the City to convert 1 or 2 vehicles and train the City mechanic to <br />do the conversion. After the initial training period all vehicles would <br />be converted by the City mechanic. <br />Captial Outlay - Each item of capital outlay was discussed, 1 dump truck <br />to replace the 1971 Chevreolet, 1 one ton utility truck, plow wing for the <br />1974 dump truck and tractor for mowing ponding areas and boulevards. The <br />mower for the tractor is part of Parks capital outlay. Mr. Volk described <br />the proposed storage area fence and the need for it. <br />Street Lights - Mr. Volk indicated the 10 new lights were for platted <br />areas where street lighting was not a requirement of the developer. <br />Street Improvements - Mr. McLean asked what the proposed street improve- <br />ment schedule involved and Mr. Schumacher stated that the first item would <br />be to establish what roads could be designated as 'state aid' roads. The <br />amount in the budget is just for maintenance and some seal coating. <br />Mr. Jaworski asked if a list of roads that may qualify for 'state aid' <br />assistance sould be prepared. Mr. Schumacher said an engineer would have <br />to do this. He asked if Mr. Volk has drawn up a plan that shows what street <br />is to be improved in what year. Mr. Volk said he has a five year street plan <br />There were several financing options discussed including assessments, <br />bonding and combination, etc., for financing street improvements. <br />Park Department - Mr. Schumacher indicated that there are several capital <br />outlay items omitted, leaving only a mower for $3,000 and storage area <br />fence for $975.00. <br />Personnel - Mr. Volk explained he felt he needed a full time parks and <br />forestry person. He felt he needed a person with expertise in landscaping <br />and possibly supervision. He further explained that there are now people <br />working in the parks totaling nearly 40 hours per week but not one full <br />
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