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01/25/1982 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
01/25/1982 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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Council Meeting <br />janua y 25; 1982 <br />135 <br />On voting, the Motion failed, with Mayor Benson, Mr. Reinert and Mrs. <br />Elsenpeter voting against, and Mr. Kulasewicz and Mr. Marier voting in <br />favor. <br />Mr. Reinert moved to follow the same procedure on all Consultants as had <br />been done with the City Attorney. <br />Mr. Marier asked that these consultants be named and Mr. Reinert said, <br />Engineer, Planner and Fiscal Agent. Mrs. Elsenpeter seconded the motion. <br />Mr. Kulaszewicz ask to amend the motion that a time frame be established. <br />Mr. Reinert had no objections.. <br />Mayor Benson asked that the motion include that the Engineering proposals <br />that have been submitted be reviewed before inviting any firms for an <br />interview. He felt the information available may be sufficient to make <br />a decision. <br />Mr. Reinert asked that the amendments be withdrawn - which was done - the <br />motion will be reworded to include these suggestions. <br />Mr. Reinert asked the Clerk to read the motion. The motion was as follows: <br />Mr. Reinert moved to follow the same procedure for all consultants as had <br />been done with the Attoreny, establishing a time frame for this work to <br />be accomplished, and to use the information available on Engineers before <br />interviewing the applicants. Seconded by Mrs. Elsenpeter. Motion carried <br />unanimously. <br />OPEN MIKE <br />Mrs. Stella Petersen appeared before the Council in conjunction with the <br />propsoed rate increase by NSP and informed the Council of a public hearing <br />being held on this matter and requested some input from this Council. <br />Mr. Reinert asked if anyone from the City attended these meetings and make <br />a statement and Mr. Schumacher said, No. <br />Mr. Reinert felt it would be in order to have Mr. Schumacher attend this <br />public hearing and make a statement in objection to this rate hike. Mrs. <br />Elsenpeter suggested it would be wise for aoCouncil member to attend. Mr. <br />Kulaszewicz moved that Mr. Schumacher write a letter to the Public Service <br />Commission in objection to this rate hike. Seconded by MR. Reinert. Motion <br />carried unanimously. A copy of the letter to be forwarded to the Anoka <br />People's Alliance for Change. <br />AL ROSENBOWER - LIQUOR LICENSE - ROCKY "S NORTH <br />Mr. Al Rosenbower, Attorney for Mr. Ernest Surman, Applicant, appeared be- <br />for the Council requesting that a liquor license be issued to Mr. Sruman <br />to operate Rocky's North. The actions of the previous Council was reviewed <br />and discussed. The reasons for the denial of the license was discussed. <br />The Police Chief's report and recommendation was reviewed and discussed. <br />After much discussion on this item, Mr.Kulaszewicz asked for a 5 minute <br />recess. The meeting reconvened. Mr. Marier moved to take this under <br />
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