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02/22/1982 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
02/22/1982 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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IIIMINUTES - FEBRUARY 8, 1982 <br />Council Meeting <br />February 22, 1982 <br />147 <br />The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes City Council was called to order at <br />7:01 P.M., by Mayor Benson, on February 22, 1982, with all members present. <br />Mr. Locher and Mr. Schumacher were also present. <br />The Clerk reported that Mr. Winner, Engineer, had called with corrections <br />to the minutes as follows: Page Three, first paragraph under Lakes Add. <br />#7, fourth line, should read 'March 9, 1982'; next to the last paragraph, <br />second line should read 'Carole's Estates i $ II' - third line, delete <br />'Carole's EstateS'and insert 'Forest Glen'. <br />Mr. Marier moved to approve the minutes as corrected. Seconded by M <br />Reinert. Motion carried with Mr. Kulaszewicz abstaining. <br />DISBURSEMENTS - FEBRUARY 22, 1982 <br />Mayor Benson questioned the charges at Tom Thumb - Mr. Volk explained that <br />he purchases cleaning supplies basically because the City buys on such a <br />small scale. The majority of the charges were for gas for City vehicles <br />due to a malfunction of the pump at City Hall. <br />Mr. Marier moved to approve the disbursements as presented. Seconded by <br />Mr. Kulaszewicz. Motion carried unanimously. <br />OPEN MIKE <br />I There was no one who wished to appear before the Council in this area. <br />PROPANE FUEL SYSTEM SUMMARY - MR. VOLK <br />Mr. Volk had prepared a summary of the cost involved with this conversion. <br />He stated that he would like to begin with one public works vehicle and one <br />police vehicle and use this for a 2 to 3 months period. If this works out <br />to the satisfaction of the Council, then he would recommend the conversion <br />of the remaining vehicles. <br />Mr. Marier had some questions on the loss of power, the loss of fuel and <br />difficulty in starting on cold weather. <br />Mr. Volk pointed out the savings on fuel costs and on maintenance on the <br />vehicles. <br />After quite a biT of discussion as to the pro's and con's of this proposal, <br />Mr. Reinert moved to approve this conversion on an experimental basis for <br />three months for two vehicles with a full report to the Council at the end <br />of the period and to approve the bid as submitted by Texgas. Seconded by <br />Mrs. Elsenpeter. Motion carried with Mr. Marier voting, No. <br />LIQUOR LICENSE - ROCKY's NORTH <br />Cheif Myhre had prepared quite an extensive report on the background of <br />Mr. Surman and his connections with various other establishments and <br />corporations. He recommended this license be denied. <br />Mr. Rosenbower, Attorney for Mr. Surman, was present to answer questions. <br />He also pointed out that he does not have a copy of this report and asked <br />him her copy. <br />if he could have one. Mrs. Elsenpeter gave <br />
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