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04/12/1982 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
04/12/1982 Council Minutes
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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L70 Council Meeting <br />April 12, 1982 <br />The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes City Council was called to order at 7:03 P.M. <br />by Mayor Benson with all Council members present. Mr. Hawkins, Mr. Winner and <br />Mr. Schumacher were also present. <br />MINUTES - MARCH 22, 1982 <br />Mr. Marier moved to approve the minutes of March 22, 1982 as presented. Seconded <br />by Mr. Kulaszewicz. Motion carried unanimously. <br />DISBURSEMENTS - March 31, 1982/April 12, 1982 <br />Mr. Marier moved to approve the disbursements as presented. Seconded by Mr. Reinert. <br />Mayor Benson questioned the statement from Carley Engineering re: the bonding policy <br />charges of $1290.00. Mayor Benson questioned Mr. Winner on this matter stating that <br />the amount of time (33 hours) spent on this report surprised him. Wasn't most of <br />that information available in their office? <br />Mr. Winner said, only the information from Little Canada - the hours noted was the <br />time spent on the report. <br />Mr. Marier asked how many cities were surveyed and Mr. Winner said, Five. <br />The motion to approve the disbursements carried unanimously. <br />OPEN MIKE <br />Mr. Karth spoke to the Council on the matter of the settlement of the dispute with <br />Mrs. Reinhold. The Judge had handed down a decision on this matter. Mr. Rehbein <br />will purchase the home and property and allow the Reinhold family nine months to <br />locate another home. There is to also be some assurance from the City that <br />Mr. Rehbein may continue to use the dwelling in its present location. <br />Mrs. Elsenpeter asked, What use? Mr. Karth said the building would be leased but <br />he was not sure whether it would be for residential purposes or business purposes. <br />He also stated that it was understood that if the building is used for any purpose <br />other than residential, the matter would have to go before the Planning and Zoning <br />and the Council for their approval. <br />Mr. Hawkins noted that this is a pre - existing non - conforming use and that use may <br />continue regardless of the ownership or if it is leased or owner occupied. Any other <br />use and this would need City approval. <br />Mr. Karth said there were no problems with those requirements, Mr. Rehbein just <br />doesn't want to have to move the structure. <br />There was some discussion of this going through Planning and Zoning, but Mr. Karth <br />noted they only have until April 19, 1982 to get this agreement signed. There isn't <br />enough time per the Judge's decision. <br />Mr. Hawkins noted that from a legal standpoint, Mr. Rehbein has the right to continue <br />the use of the building as residential where it is located. If the use changes, then <br />that would be a different set of rules. <br />Mr: Marier iridicatd that since the present use is residential - non - conforming, <br />may continue but any change requires Planning and Zoning and Council approval. <br />
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