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07/26/1982 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
07/26/1982 Council Minutes
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216 <br />Council Meeting <br />July 26, 1982 <br />Credit, therefore, he will not appear. Mr. Hawkins recommended that a deadline of <br />5:00 P.M. on Wednesday. Mr. Schumacher said he had been assured that this would be <br />in the office this week. Mrs. Elsenpeter questioned the amount of $7500.00 - shouldn't <br />this be increased? There was some discussion on this - Mr. Hawkins recommended that <br />the estension of the $7500.00 be here by 5:00 P.M., July 28th or the City will draw <br />on the Letter of Credit. Mr. Reinert so moved. Seconded by Mr. Marier. Motion <br />carried unanimously. <br />Janice Herr, Block Party - Mrs. Herr is requesting to block off the cul -de -sac at the <br />end of Rice Lake Lane on August 14th for a Block Party. Mrs. Elsenpeter moved that <br />Council give approval of this request. Seconded by Mr. Kulaszewicz. Motion carried <br />unanimously. <br />Mr. Pete Nadeau appeared before the Council to discuss the market value on his property. <br />He felt that he had been denied the right of appeal by the Council at the time of the <br />Board of Review. He felt that by asking for a review from the County Assessor's office <br />that nothing had changed - they lowered some and raised some leaving the overall <br />market value at the same or higher. He felt that it was a cut and dried situation. <br />He also said he had met with the local assessor and gone over his property. Mr. Nadeau <br />pointed out the difference is the value placed on two ten acre parcels - one with 660 <br />front footage - one with 187 front footage - at approximately the same value. One <br />is a part of a farm - the other is a residential parcel. Mr. Nadeau wanted to set a <br />date to reopen this discussion. <br />Mr. Marier noted that Mrs. Roisum was present and felt that she should answer these <br />questions. He also felt that no one of them is qualified to assess property except <br />the assessor. <br />Mrs. Roisum explained that farm acreage is not valued by the front footage but by <br />acreage - Residential lots are valued by front footage.. <br />Mayor Benson said there is no way this Council can discuss this intelligently until <br />they have something that can be looked at. <br />Mr. Hawkins said his understanding that the Council adopted the assessment at the Board <br />of Review - the Council agreed - Mr. Hawkins said this has been passed onto to the County <br />for their review. <br />Mrs. Roisum pointed out that this matter is out of the hands of the Council and of the <br />Local Assessor. It has been reviewed by the County. Mr. Hawkins pointed out that if <br />he is not satisfied with the Local Assessor, or the County, then the law provides for <br />this matter to be settled in Court. <br />A recess was called at this point in the meeting. <br />PUBLIC HEARING - CHARTER AMENDMENTS <br />Mayor Benson opened the Public Hearing on the Charter Amendment at 8:44 P.M. <br />Mayor Benson asked Mr. Weible if he had any points he would like to discuss. <br />Mr. Hawkins suggested that the changes be gone through. Mr. Hawkins noted the changes <br />that are proposed. One is that a referendum on Resolutions and throughout the Charter <br />the reference to Resolution has been eliminated. <br />In Section 4.05 noting that the Clerk- Treasurer, not the Administrator, is responsible <br />for elections. <br />
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