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11/15/1982 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
11/15/1982 Council Minutes
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Special Council Meeting 2OO <br />November 15, 1982 <br />Mayor Benson felt the main thought he got from the Board was they <br />felt there is a lack of communications and the Board felt the motions <br />were not complete. He asked if they were usnig the forms and he <br />was told they haven't seen the forms. <br />Mr. Johnson felt the conversation of the Planning and Zoning Board <br />on various items should be transcribed in total. He said the manner <br />in which the '49 Club was handled made it look as if they dod not spend <br />over ten minutes on the matter and,in fact there was a lot of time spent <br />discuss:.iiiirg that problem. <br />Mayor Benson asked if there was a problem with a member of the staff <br />taking minutes, other than costs? <br />Mr. Reinert asked to sepak to some of the items listed by Mr. Johnson. <br />One of Mr. Johnson's complaints were that the minutes were not complete - <br />not bb ng recorded properly. Mr. Reinert suggested that if this is <br />happening, perhaps the meeting is not being conducted properly. Mr. <br />Reinert suggested that Mr. Kluegel spend some time with the transcriber <br />to fill in the blanks. Mr. Reinert pointed out that the most important <br />item is that the motions reflect the action taken from the discussion. <br />It is not the intent of minutes to record everything that is said. He <br />also pointed out that if the mikes are used properly, the tape is <br />sufficient. <br />Mr. Juleen felt the minutes should be transcribed verbatim - specifically <br />the Nathe and Henriksen appearances. He felt the minutes of those items <br />was misconstrued. <br />Mayor Benson disagreed. <br />Mr. Prokop Said there had been a number of mistakes made in the past few <br />months - there is a need for a personal form of communications between <br />the Planning and Zoning and the Council - someone to act as a spokesman. <br />Mr. Johnson asked why they could not have an active liaison to the Council? <br />Mr. Reinert said he would not steer or tell the Planning and Zoning how <br />to go. Also, he may take a bias report to the Council. He felt the <br />Planning and Zoning should function as a citizen's committe and, even <br />though he is present at the meeting, he would not enter into the dis- <br />cussion of the Planning and Zoning Board. He said he would try to attend <br />the meetings but will ;not present a biased view to the Council. He felt <br />the minutes and Mr. Kluegel was sufficient to present the Planning and <br />Zoning actions to the Council. <br />Mr. Mcilean felt that Mr. Schumacher should attend the meetings - doesn't <br />he present the motions to the Council? Mr. Schumacher said, No, the <br />motions are presented by Mr. Kluegel and the forms are filled out and <br />put im the Council packets. <br />Mr. Johnson said the Planning and Zoning Board had not seen the forms. Mr. <br />Schumacher said the forms have been used for the past four months. Was <br />he getting the forms confused with the envelopes? These are at the printers. <br />Mr. Johnson insisted that a secretary to take munites is necessary to <br />back up the tapes. <br />
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