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12/20/1982 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
12/20/1982 Council Minutes
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276 <br />Special Council Meeting <br />December 20, 1982 <br />A special meeting of the Lino Lakes City Council was called to order at 7:30 P.M., <br />December 20, 1982 by Mayor Benson with all Council members present. Mr. Schumacher, <br />Mr. Bill Short, Mr. Dave Liddle of Dain Bosworth was also present. <br />Mayor Benson opened the Public Hearing on the Mortgage Revenue Bonds /Housing Plan <br />at 7:33 P.M. Mayor Benson requested Mr. Schumacher to explain the process which <br />he did. He then turned the meeting over to Mr. Dave Liddle of Dain Bosworth. <br />Mr. Liddle noted that this public hearing is for the purpose of considering a housing <br />plan which is different from the housing program. The housing plan sets forth the <br />types of housing that will be needed to fill the requirements of this City now and <br />in the future. <br />This housing plan has been submitted to the Metropolitan Council for their review. <br />Mr. Liddle noted that they make comments on this plan but has no bearing on the <br />review by the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency. The recommendations, if made by <br />Metropolitan Council, may not be considered by the MHFA. There are several areas <br />in which the City must conform, according to MHFA, but the comments of the <br />Metropolitan Council is not one of the areas. <br />Mr. Liddle outlined the process - consideration of the housing plan at this meeting, <br />a public hearing on December 27, 1982 on the housing program, the two are then <br />submitted to the MHFA for consideration. This must be submitted on or before the <br />2nd of January. They meet on the third Thursday of the Month an d this submission <br />will be considered at that time. <br />Mayor Benson asked Mr. Liddle to explain the difference between the Housing plan <br />and the housing program. Mr. Liddle said the housing plan is the part of the <br />Comprehensive Plan which sets out the situation as of the time the plan was <br />prepared, the needs to be filled over the coming years, the lacking in the housing <br />to fill those needs, the goals established and the manner in which this may be <br />accomplished. The program becomes a specific document as to how the City will <br />achieve one of the goals of the plan. <br />Mr. Kulaszewicz noted that two of the developments are outside the urban service <br />district, does this have any bearing on the MFHA's consideration of the housing <br />program? <br />Mr. Liddle said if Metropolitan Council said we like three of the developments and <br />not two, does this have any effect on the City getting the monies? Mr. Liddle said <br />in his review of State Law indicates that this would have no effect whatsoever. State <br />Law states that MFHA has about four things that can look at and that is the limit and <br />nothing refers to the comments of Metropolitan Council's review. It cannot be denied <br />on the basis of Metropolitan Council's comments. <br />Mr. Schumacher asked as what point in time does the 4% have to be deposited and <br />Mr. Liddle must be submitted shortly before bond closing. <br />Mr. Liddle said a letter from the developers stating the amount of the monies they <br />will be using and indicating that 4% of that amount is on deposit or available. <br />Mayor Benson asked if 4% is an adequate amount and Mr. Liddle said it is a realistic <br />amount, but whether it is enough to obtain these funds, he didn't know. There is <br />only 27.5 million dollars for the seven county metro area and there 5 issuers have <br />asked for 47.5 million dollars, so someone is going to be disappointed. Mr. Liddle <br />felt that 4 or 5% is a realistic figure, any more than that, and it is not a good use <br />
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