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12/28/1982 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
12/28/1982 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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Z rl <br />2 <br />Council Meeting <br />December 27, 1982 <br />PLANNING AND ZONING REPORT <br />Mr. Kluegel presented the request for a one -story office building to be <br />constructed in Carole's Estates II. This had been before the Planning and <br />Zoning and they had recommended approval of this building, with the stipulations <br />that a 1250 gallon septic tank and 500 feet of drainfields be installed. They <br />had also recommended that Mr. Short's letter be complied with. <br />Mr. Short was present so he went through his letter explaining the reasoning <br />behind his comments noting that a variance is needed to the moratorium on the <br />development of commercial properties and a special use permit for construction <br />in an unsewered area. <br />Mr. Marier moved to approve the special use permit with the following stipulations - <br />Mayor Benson interrupted to ask if the variance should not be granted first - <br />Mr. Marier withdrew his motion. <br />Mr. Marier moved to grant the variance to the moratorium - Ord. #85. Seconded by <br />Mrs. Elsenpeter. Motion, carried unanimously. <br />Mrs. Elsenpeter asked that separate heating units for each office and also that he <br />install heat detectors rather than smoke detectors. She pointed out this is not a <br />requirement but was offering this as a recommendation. <br />Mr. Marier moved to grant the special use permit in accordance with the Planning <br />and Zoning and Mr. Short. Seconded by Mr. Kulaszewicz. Motion carried unanimously. <br />RESOLUTION 82 -25 <br />This Resolution deals with the transfer of $12,659.00 in the 70 -01 Municipal <br />Building Fund to the General Fund due to the final payment of those bonds. <br />Mrs. Elsenpeter moved to adopt Resolution 82 -25 authorizing the City Clerk to <br />transfer those funds to the General Fund. Seconded by Mr. Marier. Motion <br />carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Kulaszewicz moved to adopt Resolution 82 -26, authorizing the City Clerk to <br />transfer $71,327.68 from 79 -01 to 82 -01. Seconded by Mrs. Elsenpeter. Motion <br />carried unanimous ly. <br />CONTINUATION OF PUBLIC HEARING ON CABLE TV <br />Mr. Kulaszewicz moved to table this hearing until January 10, 1983. Seconded by <br />Mr. Marier. Motion carried unanimously. <br />CONTINUATION OF PUBLIC HEARING ON REVENUE MORTGAGE BONDS 7:37 P.M. <br />Mr. Short pointed out that two public hearings are required in the process of applying <br />for these bonds. The policy was passed at the first public hearing and this public <br />hearing is concerned with the program. <br />Mr. Kulaszewicz asked about the smaller developer who is not able to compete. <br />Mr. Short said the program has been redesigned to reserve one -half million dollars <br />has been set aside for the small developers. If they want to use the money is <br />available - if they don't, then the money will be used by the original developers. <br />
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