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03/14/1983 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
03/14/1983 Council Minutes
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10/9/2014 2:51:24 PM
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Council Minutes
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March 14, 1983 <br />11 <br />limits for construction. He then pointed out that no form of construction <br />has been done on those sites to this date. <br />Mr. Cody then proceeded to difine the word 'construction' citing several <br />sources including Webster's Dictionary. He concluded that the word <br />'construction' means the actual ground breaking. <br />He informed the Council that the only reason homes were not constructed <br />was due to financial reasons - he simply did not want to lose a lot of <br />money. <br />Mr. Jerry Blackbird pointed out that he had applied for the installation <br />of utilities and the decision on the bonds had been delayed by Council <br />action until the Judge's decision had been andned down. He also pointed <br />out that there has been much work done on those lots to include a storm <br />sewer installation. <br />Mr. Marier asked why the soil samples were taken and Mr. Blackbird said <br />they were necessary to gain FHA and VA financing. This work was started <br />in November of 1981, <br />Mayor Benson asked Mr. Short his opinion what the word 'construction' <br />means. <br />Mr. Short said he had researched ordinances in his office and could not <br />find a definition. He felt that planning could be a part of the process. <br />Mrs. Elsenpeter felt that the decision of the Council to delay the <br />installation of the utilities until the Court had made a decision and <br />homes could not be constructed without the utilities, could not be con- <br />sidered as a delay by the contractor. <br />Mr. Hawkins spoke on 6.21 since he felt that this is what the Coury would <br />focus on. He felt this is a question of how much activity is done in <br />order to have a vested right to continue. Mr. Hawkins felt this would <br />apply to all areas such as platting, rezoning, etc. He felt this developer <br />has more than fulfilled his obligations in order to be able to continue <br />this work. Mr. Hawkins pointed out that the Special Use permit was <br />issued to Outlots and there was the necessity of platting those outlots, <br />which has been done. There is also the matter of the soil borings that <br />have been doen in the area and the installation of the storm sewer. He <br />felt confident that enough work had been done in the area to give this <br />developer enough vested rights to be allowed to continue the work that <br />has been started. <br />Mr. Marier pointed out then :6.21 section that talks about the time frame <br />and that as far as he knows, no actual construction has been done in that <br />area. Mr. Marier referred to the petXtin on the agenda for the installa- <br />tion of utilities in that area. He felt this City is in no position to <br />pay for this type of installation. <br />Mrs. Elsenpeter felt the discussion of the utilities has no part in this <br />discussion. She felt that since the Court had declared this special use <br />permit valid, that why should the developer be forced to apply for a new <br />special use permit, which this Council would have no valid reason for <br />denying, why should the developer and the City be forced to go through <br />all this red tape? <br />
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