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09/28/1983 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
09/28/1983 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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112 <br />Special Council Meeting <br />September 28, 1983 <br />The Special Council meeting was called to order by Mayor Benson with <br />Members Marier, REinert, Kulaszewicz present; Elsenpeter - absent. <br />Cheif Myhre, Mr. Volk, Mrs. Anderson and Mr. Schumcaher were also <br />present. <br />The Council went through the budget aummary worksheets discussing new <br />programs and changes on the sheets. There was a question on the number <br />of voting booths and voting machines needed for the splitting of the <br />precienct. <br />The building department discussion was concerned with the revenue versus <br />the operaing costs. Mr. Reinert pointed out that governments provide <br />a service not make a profit. <br />1 <br />Government building - discussion on the proposed oil heater and insulated <br />garage doors for cost savings versus total outlay. <br />Police Department - consists of 33% of the budget - Council considered <br />areas to expand in other departments and don't have the money. Suggested <br />a survey of other communities for the percent of their budgets allocated <br />to the Police Departments. There was also a suggestion that the cost <br />of a five year contract with the County be checked. The general feeling <br />was that 30% of the overall budget is too much - find alternate ways of <br />reducing costs in the Police Department. <br />Public Works - overlays to be compelted including the ones planned in <br />1983 that did not get compelted. Mr. Volk is to compute this total cost <br />for this and add to the 1984 budget. <br />Under Parks, the capital outlay was questioned. The Council felt that <br />any capital outlay should come from the dedicated funds. <br />Mr. Marier moved to approve a mil rate of 21.96 and the department heads <br />to submit a budget on Monday to relate to this figure. Seocnded by Mr. <br />Kulaszewicz. <br />Mayor Benson felt this would put the city in the hole at this time and <br />felt more work needs to be done on teh budget before a decision is made. <br />Motion failed on a tie vote. <br />Mr. Marier moved to adjourn the budget meeting. Seconded by Mr. Kulaszewicz. <br />Mr. Schumacher requested the Council to set a budget meeting to finalize <br />these discussion before the 10th. This levy must be certified on that <br />date. The meeting was scheduled for Friday, October 7, 1983 at 4:30 P.M. <br />Motion carried unanimously <br />ORDINANCE $ 11 -83 - 2nd READING <br />Mr. Marier moved to reconsider this Ordinance. Seocned by Mr. Kulaszewicz. <br />Mayor Benson reviewed the background on the proposed salary increases for <br />the Council members noting that there has been no salary increase since <br />1984 and the small amount of increase in the expenses has been minor. <br />He also pointed out that if there is no increase in salaries before this <br />City election, no salary increase will be possible until 1986. <br />Mr. Reinert felt the proposed salary increase is very modest consideriang <br />the time spent in conducting the business of the City. <br />
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