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09/05/1984 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
09/05/1984 Council Minutes
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294 <br />Special Council Meeting <br />September 5, 1984 <br />Mr. Marier moved to request that the Council receive, in the form of <br />a developers agreement, commitments from Rehbein, Tilsen and Shilling <br />on their individual projects, in regard to what their plans are as <br />far as developing in stages and by what extended period of time. <br />Although it is understood what Rice Lake Estates and Ulmer's commit- <br />ments are, they should be included in this request. Motion seconded <br />by Mr. Kulaszewicz. <br />Mr. Hawkins pointed out that the City would legally have to treat each <br />contractor equally in terms of the percent letters of credits and other <br />similar terms and conditions of the developers' agreements. He felt <br />that the present policy of 100% letter of credit has been acceptable <br />in small projects in the City, but a project of this magnitude may re- <br />quire new terms. <br />Mr. Reinert felt that the purpose of this meeting was to decided upon <br />that policy and whether or not the City should consider changing it, <br />and that is why he did not want to adjourn as moved earlier. <br />On voting upon Mr. Marier's motion above, Mr. Marier and Mr. Kulaszewicz <br />voted aye, others voted nay, thus motion failed. Mr. Reinert asked that <br />Mr. Langness explain the concept of 35% letter of credit and the feasi- <br />bility of same. <br />Mr. Langness said, " The concept of 35% came from: If you assess this <br />over a 15 -year period and have a letter of credit for 5 years of <br />assessments, that would be about 35% and that would be a letter of <br />credit on assessment of 100% of the cost with a letter of credit of <br />35% renewable every year. The risk factor for the City is minimized <br />because it covers the time period up to tax forfeit, if it ever got <br />that far. I feel this is feasible and that the City is adequately <br />protected." <br />Mr. Hawkins also added that the policy would also call for assessments <br />to be paid in full at time of the sale of each lot which would also <br />provide for a little cushion in the risk to the City. <br />Mr. Reinert moved that the City establish a policy for this particular <br />project at 35% of credit and assessed over a 15 -year period, assessing <br />100% of the cost and that the assessments be paid in full as the lot <br />is sold or building permit issued. I would ask that Rehbein Excavating, <br />Shilling Construction, Ulmer Construction, Tilsen Properties and Rice <br />Lake Estates respond to this policy. Motion seconded by Mr. Bohjanen. <br />Motion carried with Mr. Marier voting no. <br />Mr. Kulaszewicz moved to adjourn. Seconded by Mr. Reinert. Aye. <br />These minutes were considered, corrected and approved at a regular <br />meeting on September 10, 1984. <br />Marilyn inderson, Deputy Clerk <br />
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