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09/24/1984 Council Minutes (2)
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
09/24/1984 Council Minutes (2)
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Council Minutes
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006 <br />Council Meeting <br />September 24, 1984 <br />Page -2- <br />Mayor Benson felt that the present code did not create enough of a <br />problem to consider a change at this time. This information should <br />be kept on file and White Bear Animal Control should be told to be <br />more prudent and less restrictive. <br />CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION # 84 -25 (RICE LAKE AREA UTILITIES) <br />(Resolution #84 -25 can be found on page 279 (August 13 Council Meet- <br />ing) of the permanent Council minutes book. <br />Mr. Kulaszewicz read portions of letters submitted by Glenn Rehbein <br />Excavating and Ulmer Construction stating they would post letters of <br />credit for their own assessments but could not give letters of credit <br />on the trunk line. They felt the City had some obligation as far as <br />the trunk line was concerned. In light of what happened three years <br />ago, he felt he could not support Resolution #84 -25. <br />Mr. Reinert felt this situation is different than three years ago. <br />This is not a mandatory situation, if someone did not want to hook <br />up to this line they did not have to and would not be assessed. <br />This Council has handled this project differently. There were plenty <br />of public meetings. This proposed trunk line will be paid as people <br />hook up to it, there will be no cost to the City. The City will <br />bond and assess only those who hook up to the line. <br />Mr. Marier asked what are the projected development plans of the five <br />developers. He felt not knowing what the development rate would be, <br />the City would not know howiong they will have to be bankers. He <br />would like to know the projected growth. <br />Mayor Benson suggested that maybe the Resolution encompassed too large <br />an area. He also felt we should not cut back without looking at the <br />prison. Two of the developers are ready to go now. Maybe the Resolu- <br />tion could be contingent upon receiving plans and specifications from <br />the builders and time frames for the necessary payments through the <br />developers agreement. <br />Mr. Marier said he had a problem with the 35 %letter of credit. <br />Mr. Schumacher said the developers letters listed two concerns; 1) <br />concern of the letters of credit for the trunk line, 2) concern <br />of developers paying for cost of the trunk and at a later date a <br />nearby parcel of property coming to the trunk line and getting a <br />large benefit and not paying for the up front costs. The City <br />Attorney had said this concern could be worked out so the five <br />original developers could recoup some of their costs. <br />Mr. John Juleen from the audience felt this proposal is the same <br />proposal as three years ago. He was concerned about who would <br />pay the bond if the developers could not. He also felt that people <br />now living in Lino Lakes would be forced to hook up. <br />1 <br />
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