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10/09/1984 Council Minutes (2)
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
10/09/1984 Council Minutes (2)
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Council Minutes
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1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />COUNCIL MEETING <br />October 9, 1984 <br />Page -2- <br />Mr. Marier questioned heating costs of the Centerville Fire Sta- <br />tion. Does the budget figure include heating the City Hall? <br />Mr. Benjamin said he would check this out. He also asked what <br />would happen if there was a surplus at the end of 1985. Mr. <br />Mattson felt it would be used the following year. <br />The 1985 budget contains funds for ten new fire fighters for the <br />year 1985. Mr. Marier suggested that the Fire District could start <br />with five and phase in the balance in succeeding years. <br />Mr. Mattson explained there still is much to be done in the areas <br />of depreciation and Relief Association. These figures will probably <br />not be available until after the first of the year. It was ex- <br />plained the present depreciation figure was determined by each fire <br />chief appraising their own equipment and then using 70% of their <br />figures. Mr. Benjamin said he was in favor of obtaining an outside <br />appraiser to get this figure. <br />Mr. Schumacher suggested that possibly the first year's depreciation <br />costs could be delayed until the second year and a payment schedule <br />worked out in this manner. Mayor Benson noted the joint powers <br />agreement would have to be modified. <br />Mayor Benson stated there is still work to be done on this budget and <br />if the total operation budget can be reduced to around $115,000, then <br />Lino Lakes' portion of 56% will fit into the Lino Lakes City budget. <br />Mayor Benson asked what the Fire District name will be. This has not <br />been established. <br />The Council took a break from 8:10 to 8:25 P.M. <br />CONSIDERATION OF APPOINTING SENIOR COUNCIL OFFICERS <br />Mr. Schumacher told the Council that the Senior Council had met on <br />October 2, 1984 and several members had volunteered for an office <br />position: Charles, and Francis Cape - Co- chairpersons; Mary Domning - <br />Vice Chairperson; Vivian Rehbein - Secretary; Other Senior Council <br />Members - Directors. <br />Mayor Benson appointed these members to their volunteered positions. <br />CONSIDERATION OF ORDINANCE #84 -11 2nd READING - RENAMING 133rd AVENUE <br />TO OLIVE STREET <br />Mr. Kulaszewicz moved to adopt Ordinance #84 -11 and to waive the <br />reading. Mr. Marier seconded the Motion. Motion carried. (Ordin- <br />ance printed on page 009 of Council minute book - 9/24/84 meeting.) <br />CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION 84 -25 AND DEVELOPERS AGREEMENT <br />Mr. Reinert moved the adoption of Resolution 84 -25. Mr. Bohjanen <br />seconded the motion. Mrs. Anderson read the Resolution. <br />01 "3 <br />
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