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05/15/1985 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
05/15/1985 Council Minutes
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194 <br />SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING <br />May 15, 1985 <br />Page -2- <br />provided for holding ponds with an outlet across 4th Avenue to <br />the west. When it came time for the developer to complete his <br />ponding and drainage Mr. Davidson advised the Council that it may <br />not be wise to complete this until there was some provision for <br />the water once it was ditched across 4th Avenue. He was concerned <br />there would be problems with private property on the west of 4th <br />Avenue. A temporary drainage easement has been obtained from Mr. <br />LeBlond but part of this agreement was the City would develope a <br />drainage management plan within two years. <br />This discussion tonight is to determine time frames that the County <br />would be looking for improving Main Street, Mr. Davidson would like <br />to move ahead with development of municipal state aid plans so that <br />this City could use municipal state aid funds for acquiring nec- <br />essary right of way for the full ditch section rural system, est- <br />ablishing positive drainage outlets, ask RCWD for help to improve <br />the ditch systems to the point where there will be a permanent <br />outlet facility also that the City be allowed to use MSA funds <br />for ditch cleaning, be allowed to improve the ditches under some <br />kind of a MSA program. Because the City has tributary areas beyond <br />the corporate boundaries west and north, it would be advisable to <br />go into some sort of a watershed project and how would this be acc- <br />omplished. He asked for ideas from RCWD as it relates to the _ <br />overall management of ditches and what the county is going to <br />build into their Main Street systems and how it will affect the <br />Lino Lakes drainage systems, what schedule can the City plan on. <br />Mr. Ruud explained the reconstruction of Main Street from 4th <br />Avenue to 35 W is scheduled for 1986. The survey is completed <br />and they are now working on plans. The county recognizes the drain- <br />age problem in this area and the county policy is that the County <br />tries where possible to share with the local municipality in solv- <br />ing drainage problems. Generally the portion funded by the county <br />is a portion of the total area that is benefited by the improvement. <br />The county takes the area of their right of way and doubles it. <br />If they have an acre of right of way they double this in terms of <br />assessments. If there was a proposal to the solution of the drain- <br />age problem he would take it to the highway committee (both he and <br />Mrs. Langfeld are members of this committee) and the County Board <br />for their consideration. He would look forward to having some <br />outlets available for the storm water along south county Road #14 <br />to help them implement the project and would consider paying their <br />share of the cost of the program. <br />Mayor Benson explained one of the problems is the county ditches <br />have now filled in with silt and other debris making it difficult <br />for them to handle run -off. Something has to be done to clean the <br />ditches and he asked Mr. Ruud who is responsible for this project. <br />1 <br />1 <br />
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