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06/10/1985 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
06/10/1985 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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01 .4 <br />COUNCIL MEETING <br />June 10, 1985 <br />The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes City Council was called to <br />order by Mayor Benson at 7:00 P.M., June 10, 1985. Council members <br />present: Bohjanen, Kulaszewicz. Council members absent: Marier, <br />Reinert. City Attorney, Bill Hawkins; Engineer, John Davidson; <br />Public Works Director, Don Volk; Building Inspector, Pete Kluegel; <br />and Clerk - Treasurer, Marilyn Anderson were also present. <br />CONSIDERATION AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES - MAY 28, 1985 <br />Mr. Bohjanen moved to approve these minutes as presented. Mr. Kul - <br />aszewicz seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. <br />CONSIDERATION AND APPROVAL OF DISBURSEMENTS <br />May 31, 1985 Mr. Kulaszewicz moved to approve these disbursements <br />as presented. Mr. Bohjanen seconded the motion. Motion carried <br />unanimously. <br />June 10, 1985 Mr. Bohjanen moved to approve these disbursements <br />as presented. Mr. Kulaszewicz seconded the motion. Mr. Kulaszewicz <br />asked if all the items listed under Community Development Block <br />Grant Fund will come out of the grant monies. Mr. Schumacher said, <br />yes. On the motion, motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Schumacher told the Council that Mr. Kenneth Skoglund had sub- <br />mitted a detailed statement regarding his work in the Senior Center <br />Kitchen. Mr. Marier had asked for this information. Mr. Bohjanen <br />moved to approve payment of Mr. Skoglund's statement. Mr. Kulasze- <br />wicz seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. <br />OPEN MIKE <br />A. Lou Jungbauer - .Watch for Children Signs - Mr. Jungbauer is a <br />resident on Andall Street and he appeared before the Council to <br />request that the City consider placing warning signs that say some- <br />thing to the effect, "Watch out for Children or Children at Play" <br />on Andall Street. Mr. Jungbauer had written to the Council pre- <br />viously requesting that a sign be posted. He showed the Council <br />a diagram showing where the sign could be located. <br />Mr. Jungbauer had previously talked to Mr. Volk. Mr. Volk said <br />that type of sign is not in his signing program, he follows the <br />Minnesota Department of Transportation recommendations. Mr. Jung - <br />bauer said he had contacted Officer Jensen who is going to teach <br />a street safety and bike safety course. However he felt that no <br />amount of preaching, teaching, punishment would keep the children <br />off the street since there is no park in the area. <br />Mr. Jungbauer said Mr. Volk has cited a lawsuit against a City be- <br />cause it had posted the signs and a child was later injured by a <br />motorist in the area of the signs. The jury had found the City <br />liable because the City had posted the signs. He felt that situ- <br />ation was ludicrous. Mr. Hawkins had told him he was not aware of <br />such a case. <br />
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