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06/10/1985 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
06/10/1985 Council Minutes
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COUNCIL MEETING <br />June 10, 1985 <br />Page Three <br />speed. Mayor Benson said it would be difficult to monitor. Who <br />would do the monitoring? <br />Mrs. Elsenpeter explained that Elbe Street sometimes seems to be <br />a drag strip. There had been such a sign on Elbe and it made no <br />difference in the traffic speed. <br />1 <br />Mr. Davidson explained how the state determines speed limits in <br />its speed zone study. The speed limit is established by the speed <br />people are driving on the street. They use 80% of the average of <br />the driving speed. Therefore the residents could establish a re- <br />duced speed limit by driving slow during the speed study. <br />Mr. Bohjanen moved that the road department and Mr. Davidson take <br />a deep look at this and bring the information back to the Council <br />within the next 30 days. Mr. Kulaszewicz seconded the motion. <br />Motion carried unanimously. <br />B. Donald Nelson - Lundgren Property - Mr. Nelson has received a <br />developers agreement prepared by Mr. Hawkins for the Lundgrenprop- <br />erty. He feels this agreement does not fit the situation. He has <br />talked to both Mr. Hawkins and Mr. Schumacher about this. The areas <br />in question: 1) The contract lists the developers as Robert and <br />Juliet Lundgren. Mr. Nelson explained that once the Quit Claim <br />Deeds are executed Mr. and Mrs. Lundgren will have no interest in <br />the property. Mr. Hawkins said this subdivision is no different <br />than a plat and developers platting property are required to sign <br />a developers agreement. Mrs. Lundgren explained that she and Mr. <br />Lundgren are not dividing the land. Mr. Nelson explained that one <br />party is buying the buildings and 16.9 acres of land and four other <br />parties are buying the remainder of the land and will sbudivide in- <br />to separate parcels at some future date. Mr. and Mrs. Lundgren will <br />not even have an interest in the future subdivision. Mr. Nelson said <br />the only reason they came to the City Council with this plan is so <br />they can be assured of subdividing the remaining parcel into four <br />(4) lots some time in the future. 2) The developers agreement states <br />the road will be installed within a certain period and the develop- <br />ers must post a letter of credit insuring this road will be installed. <br />Mr. Nelson explained that the prospective buyers do not know when they <br />will put in the road, if ever. Mr. Hawkins said the problem then <br />would be if one of the land locked lots would be sold to someone new <br />who was not aware the City required an improved road before a build- <br />ing permit could be issued. Mr. Nelson said their deed would con- <br />tain this information. The new buyer would be aware immediately that <br />he could not build a house without a road. <br />Mr. Hawkins said as of now the Lundgrens have in a sense plat ap- <br />proval. They could make up the deeds and not record them until such <br />time they want to build the road. When the road is installed the <br />deeds then can be stamped and recorded. <br />
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