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09/23/1985 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
09/23/1985 Council Minutes
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1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />BUDGET WORNHOP <br />September 23, 185 <br />Page Two <br />Mayor Benson asked if it would be possible to find a four or five <br />year old truck that would serve the needs of this City of possibly <br />one -third the cost. Mr. Volk said this was possible. However, it <br />would not be likely to find a truck with all the equipment on it. <br />Most used county, state or city plow trucks are pretty well used <br />up. It could be possible to find a used truck and hang the plow <br />equipment on it. Mayor Benson asked Mr. Volk to get some figures <br />on this proposal. <br />Mr. Reinert asked what the life expectancy of a new truck would <br />be and what its salvage value would be. Mr. Volk expected it to <br />be useful for fifteen years and still have some salvage value. <br />Mr. Volk explained that item (b) on the capital improvement list <br />is a replacement for the current 1976 pickup. This truck is fall- <br />ing apart and is used for plowing cul -de -sacs. <br />Mr. Reinert asked Mr. Volk to prepare figures showing purchasing <br />and maintaining a new truck over fifteen years compared to pur- <br />chasing a used truck, revamping it and maintaining it for the <br />balance of its life expectancy. <br />Mayor Benson suggested contacting construction companies who are <br />selling some of their equipment. <br />Mr. Volk explained the need for a crack filling machine. He plans <br />to seal coat each street every five years. However, cracks should <br />be filled as soon as they appear to keep the sub -base from washing <br />away. <br />Mr. Volk explained item (d) of the capital outlay program is a re- <br />placement item. This will carry pieces of equipment from job site <br />to job site. <br />Mayor Benson asked Mr. Volk to prioritize which streets should be <br />seal coated. Mr. Volk explained 1) Oak Lane, 2) Bald Eagle Blvd., <br />3) 77th Street, 4) Baldwin Lake Road, 5) East Holly, 6) 81st Street <br />W. <br />097 <br />Mayor Benson asked Mr. Volk to provide the 1985 patching cost figures. <br />Mayor Benson asked why the City was seal coating streets that were <br />only two years old. Mr. Volk explained this puts the initial wear <br />seal coat on the street. It had been suggested that developers be <br />required to do this before the street is accepted for City street <br />maintenance. However, this has not been included in the street po- <br />licy. <br />Mr. Marier asked about Ash Street (County Road J) from Centerville <br />Road to Highway #49. Mr. Volk explained there has been several <br />meetings with Anoka County, Ramsey County and the adjoining cities. <br />
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