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12/09/1985 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
12/09/1985 Council Minutes
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0210 <br />BUDGET HEARING <br />December 9, 1985 <br />Page Two <br />Mr. Reinert questioned the preparation of the preliminary budget <br />for 1986; does the current proposed budget not include the items <br />listed on the second page of the handout such as the additional <br />overlay and seal coating. Mr. Schumacher explained the current <br />proposed budget does not include this item. If it were to be in- <br />cluded it would then bring the road program up to the point it was <br />planned to be. <br />Mr. Marier felt one new officer for 1986 would be adequate. Mr. <br />Schumacher explained that the 1986 preliminary budget for the <br />Police Department did not include any new officers. If the Coun- <br />cil wishes to hire one new officer they will have to select this <br />item from the list of priority programs list that was presented <br />tonight. Mr. Marier felt a new officer was included in the orig- <br />inal proposed 1986 Budget. <br />It was explained the cost of one new officer including fringe bene- <br />fits is $25,000.00. Mr. Marier explained the cost of this new of- <br />ficer could be included in the 1986 Budget if the cost to repair <br />squads was reduced by $5,000.00, if PERA were reduced, and part - <br />time salaries were reduced by adding the new officer. Mr. Marier <br />said he would sit down and determine where the budget could be cut <br />to find the funds for the new officer. Mr. Schumacher said Mr. <br />Volk had told him that just routine maintenance of five squad cars <br />will cost the Police Department what is already budgeted. Mr. Mar - <br />ier said cars should not be purchased if maintenance cannot be re- <br />duced. <br />Mr. Marier said that the Assistant Administrator had been cut from <br />the budget and the salary for this position could be used to under- <br />write the new police officer. Mr. Schumacher explained that this <br />position had already been eliminated to keep the mill rate at the <br />1985 level. Mr. Marier felt this was not done, when the previous <br />meeting ended Mr. Schumacher was told to cut the Assistant Admin- <br />istrator from the budget. He said there was another part time <br />individual in the budget as well. <br />- Mr. Schumacher referred to the budget worksheet for Administration. <br />Other salaries had been cut $8,500.00 and this is where the Assis- <br />tant Administrator's salary was. Mr. Marier said this was not on <br />his worksheet. Mr. Huss said the revised worksheets were sent out <br />for the meeting in which the levy was set. <br />Mr. Reinert said he would like to see the revised worksheets as <br />they were agreed to at the last Budget Workshop. <br />Mr. Marier asked the worksheets be updated for each department. He <br />is looking at not increasing the mill rate and there is enough money <br />so that everyone can operate their department and to supply the <br />needs of the citizens. <br />
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