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12/23/1985 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
12/23/1985 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />COUNCIL MEETING <br />December 23, 1985 <br />Page Two <br />Mr. Reinert asked why this was brought to the Council tonight. <br />Mrs. Schwankl said there are rumors that the Council is after <br />Chief Campbell and understands that there is a police officer <br />who wants to be the Chief and the local business and residents <br />want Chief Campbell to stay. <br />Mayor Benson asked if this statement has total support of all <br />businesses and residents of Lino Lakes. She said they have not <br />contacted all of them, but have contacted numerous businesses. <br />Mr. Kline of Advance Printing said they have contacted the Suburban <br />Chamber of Commerce and Chamber President Connie Nelson told them <br />that all businesses in the Chamber are behind Chief Campbell and <br />named several businesses. <br />Mayor Benson asked if Mrs. Schwankl was also expressing support <br />for the rest of the City Staff. Mrs. Schwankl said yes. <br />Mr. Marier told Mrs. Schwankl and Mr. Kline that the police officer <br />they had referred to had applied for the Chief position and had <br />withdrawn his application and has no desire to be the Chief. <br />He suggested that when rumors like this get started the Admini- <br />strator should be contacted so that the rumors can be put to rest. <br />He explained each member of the City Staff is reviewed each year, <br />this is not unusual. <br />Mr. Kline said he appreciated the time the Council is taking to <br />explain the procedures and if there was any truth to the rumors <br />he wanted his two cents to be heard. <br />CONSIDERATION OF GROUP W CABLE TV AMENDMENTS <br />A. Ordinance No. 11 -85, 2nd Reading, Ordinance Summary - Mr. <br />Marier moved to not approve Ordinance #11 -85 and dispense <br />with the reading. Motion died as there was not a second. <br />Mr. Schumacher explained that this has been considered and <br />approved by the Coon Rapids City Council. Lino Lakes repre- <br />sentative, Herb Johnson has been before this Council and <br />explained the amendments and agreements which were negotiated <br />with Group W to make this a viable franchise. <br />223 <br />Mr. Kulaszewicz asked what happens if one of the eight communities <br />involved with the franchise turns the amendments down. It <br />was explained all communities would have to vote in favor <br />of the amendments or they would all fail. <br />Mr. Marier explained he had moved -to- approve the first <br />reading of the Ordinance at the December 9, 1985 Council <br />meeting to get discussion started. He had made a statement <br />at that time indicating he was not in favor of the ordinance. <br />
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