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01/13/1986 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
01/13/1986 Council Minutes
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246 <br />COUNCIL MEETING <br />January 13, 1986 <br />Page Two <br />B. Larry Swistowski - Sign - Mr. Swistowski explained he has a <br />sign on his property on East 81st Street. This sign faces the <br />freeway and advertises his own business. A sign permit was issued <br />for the sign with the stipulation that the sign be removed by <br />December 31, 1985. He asked for an extension of this sign permit <br />to allow time for his new small store to become somewhat established <br />and until the snow melts enough to allow access to the sign. <br />Mr. Bohjanen asked if the sign will be changed in any manner. <br />Mr. Swistowski said, no. <br />Mr. Bohjanen moved to allow the sign to remain until March 15, <br />1986. Mr. Marier seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. <br />C. Jan Apitz - Police Department - Mrs. Apitz appeared before <br />the Council to represent some of the businessmen and some of the <br />residents of Lino Lakes. She said that two police officers escorted <br />her to this meeting because she had received a phone call threat- <br />ening her if she appeared before the Council this evening. She <br />did not feel comfortable reporting the threatening phone call <br />to the Lino Lakes Police Department and reported it to an outside <br />law enforcement agency. This agency has been told other things. <br />Mrs. Apitz explained she had talked to an ex- reserve officer and <br />felt she should look into some of the things that have been going <br />on in the Police Department. Steve Brown quit the reserves because <br />he does not feel safe. He as well as some other officers cannot <br />count on having some officers back them up when they are out on <br />the street. In addition A shift is passing on calls to B shift <br />when there is plenty of time to take the call themselves. Mrs. <br />Apitz talked to Trippel's Market and was told they are unhappy <br />with the police protection and seldom see a police squad. She <br />understood they only receive four days police protection. She <br />asked why are some part time officers working 1500 hours a year <br />when state law requires no more than 1040 hours per year. <br />Mrs. Apitz said that the Police Department was over budget in <br />1985 and asked why there was four officers working during the <br />day for almost four months last summer? One recommendation of <br />the Police Task Force was the formation of a Police Commission. <br />She asked the Council to look into forming a Police Commission <br />and volunteered her time to help form the commission. She thanked <br />the Council for listening to her this evening. <br />Mayor Benson addressed several items raised by Mrs. Apitz. He <br />told her the Police Department was not over budget. He has not <br />heard from Trippel's Market but did receive a call from the Mayor <br />of Centerville who said there were some concerns in that area. <br />Mayor Benson referred to a report sent to the Council by the <br />1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />
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