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01/23/1986 Council Minutes
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City Council Meeting Minutes
01/23/1986 Council Minutes
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258 <br />SPECIAL COINCIL MEETING <br />January 23, 1986 <br />Page Three <br />system to be cleaned out. Mr. Weidenbacker felt this plan would <br />work out but would require a ditch improvement project. <br />There was discussion as to who would be benefited by Mr. Toddie's <br />plan. Mr. Weidenbacker noted there would be no designated DNR <br />wetlands affected. The CORP will not be concerned unless the dit- <br />ches will be draining wetlands. This plan would not provide any <br />benefit to property north of Main Street. <br />Mr. Marier said for clarification, the City wants to know what the <br />ditch can do and this cannot be determined until the ditch is re- <br />turned to its original position and condition. Before the City can <br />make any decision in this area it is asking the ditch be repaired <br />and once this is completed the City can make a decision as what <br />else should be done. He said he is asking that the RCWD live by <br />their maintenance obligation. The City cannot make any decision <br />regarding additional drainage requirements until the City knows <br />what the ditch in its proper condition can do. Mr. Cardinal said <br />than the hest alternative would be to clean out Ditch #22 all the <br />way to Main Street in its original dedicated right -of -way. This <br />may cause some problems with the land owners, but RCWD does have <br />jurisdiction and can enforce the right -of -way. Mr. Murray said <br />the cost of this repair could not exceed the original cost of in- <br />stallation of the ditch and may have to mix an improvement and re- <br />pair project. <br />Mr. Marier did not agree with this idea. He said it is the func- <br />tion of the RCWD to maintain ditches under their jurisdiction and <br />this ditch has never been maintained. Mr. Murray explained that <br />the RCWD is an administrative board. Their function is to enter- <br />tain petitions for repair. They do not do the repairs. Mr. Mar - <br />ier asked how much is raised each year by the RCWD board for re- <br />pairs? Mr. Cardinal said $15,000 for about fourteen years. Mr. <br />Marier asked how much has been spent in Lino Lakes? No answer. <br />Mr. Murray said the Board is looking at a plan to use this money <br />in the entire RCWD jurisdiction rather than dumping it in one area. <br />He also said that the City does not want this to be a project be- <br />cause benefited landowners would be assessed. He also said this <br />could be an area where the RCWD could finance part of the work and <br />the City finance the balance. The RCWD Board should finance some <br />of the costs, what is the City willing to spend? Mr. Marier said <br />clean out the ditch and the City and County will take care of the <br />rest of the problem. Mr. Cardinal said the RCWD Board is willing <br />to spend some money. <br />Mr. Bisel asked why had the original ditch been diverted. Mr. Car- <br />dinal explained this was done prior to the existence of the RCWD. <br />Nobody said anything because it did not cost anyone anything. <br />Mr. Cardinal said the RCWD has the right to go in and clean out the <br />ditch in its original right -of -way. Mr. Petrangelo said he could see <br />
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