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01/27/1986 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
01/27/1986 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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COUNCIL MEETING <br />January 27, 1986 <br />Page Three <br />Mr. Reinert asked about a proposal for funding communities <br />that band together to provide certain municipal services to <br />its citizens. Senator Dahl explained the proposal did not <br />get out of the House of Representatives. He suggested con- <br />tacting our representative in the House. <br />Mr. Reinert expressed his concern over the waste management <br />central issue. Senator Dahl said he supports the concept <br />of burning solid waste but acknowledged this could force small <br />garbage.haulers out of business. <br />Mr. Bohjanen asked if there might be some revision in the <br />charitable gambling laws. Senator Dahl was concerned because <br />of all the confusion but there are several persons working <br />on making this committee more manageable. <br />Mayor Benson suggested that some state agencies could be more <br />accountable for the money they are managing. This idea could <br />help the state realize additional money and reduce the deficits. <br />Senator Dahl outlined areas which have already been cut. <br />Mayor Benson said his concern is in protecting local government <br />aid and fiscal disparities. <br />Senator Dahl said he wished other communities in his district <br />were as interested as Lino Lakes is in what is happening at <br />the state level of government. <br />Mayor Benson thanked Senator Dahl for coming this evening. <br />B. Roland Ford - Mr. Ford appeared before the Council to explain <br />he has been convicted of violating the City nuisance code <br />and will be going to jail if the nuisance is not removed by <br />February 5, 1986. An Anoka County Judge has visited his property <br />and has compiled a list of items that must be removed and <br />also laid out fencing requirements for the property. Mr. <br />Ford asked the Council to allow him additional time to comply <br />with the court order and also asked to have some items removed <br />from the judges list. He explained he has already had certain <br />items removed from his property. <br />Mr. Kluegel explained this is an ongoing situation and he <br />personally has been in court with Mr. Ford since 1984. Mr. <br />Hawkins explained the legal proceedings to date. <br />Mr. Marier asked if he has satisfied the DNR and Rice Creek <br />Watershed District requirements. Mr. Ford said he had permits <br />from each agency. <br />There was discussion regarding the fence. Mr. Ford had installed <br />two different types of fencing and intended to leave both <br />in and paint them the same color. He was reminded the judge <br />had specified uniform fencing and this meant fencing of all <br />one type. <br />
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