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09/20/1979 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
09/20/1979 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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Septemner 24, 1979 <br />contact the State Building Code department for. information. <br />Mr. Schneider moved to approve requisitions #925 through and including <br />#927. Seconded by Mr. McLean. Motion declared passed. <br />Mr. McLean moved to approve checks #9996 through and including #10014. <br />Seconded by Mr. Kulaszewicz. Motion declared passed. <br />Mr. McLean moved to adjourn at 11:45 P.M. Seconded by Mr. Kulaszewicz. <br />Aye. <br />These minutes were considered and approved at the regular Council meeting <br />held on October 9, 1979. <br />19 <br />Edna L. Sarner, Clerk- Treasurer <br />September 20, 1979 <br />Mayor Karth called the budget meeting to order at 8:05 P.M., September <br />20, 1979. Members present; Robert Schneider, John McLean. and Richard <br />Kulaszewicz. Members absent; Richar Zelinka. Also present were Marilyn <br />Anderson, Don Volk and Ron Jaworski. <br />Mr. Schneider reviewed the budget worksheets to date; with last year's <br />levy of 16.89 mils, the expenses were in excess of the income. The <br />expenses would have to come down, or the levy increased. One possibility <br />could be to get a certificate of indebtedness, for example, a $100,000 <br />certificate to cover capital improvements. Items on the budget work- <br />sheets were gone through and discussed as to what could be dropped. <br />Compared to last weeks figures, the Mayor and Council were at $95,250, <br />down from $99,329. The receptionist was dropped, and $2,000 added to <br />the Administrator's salary. The main increase compared to last year was <br />the Administrator's alary, at $26.000. The $4,000 miscellaneous was <br />also a factor, and Marily Anderson indicated it was high this year because <br />of spring cleanup had been included in that. Also, $3,500 was under <br />miscellaneous for a new copy machine. The present one would be three <br />years old in December, and if maintained property should be good for <br />another year. It was felt this could be dropped from the budget. <br />Eight percent on salaries was figured as a standard; the Personnel <br />Commission had not done anything further on this as yet. Mr. McLean asked <br />if the 7% guideline applied to the City' Mr. Locher had indicated it <br />did not. Mayor Karth converted the wate increase from a percentage to <br />dollars and cents; this amounted to a $1,032 increase. Marily Anderson <br />indicated she had used 8% of the budgeted figure for last year, not the <br />projected figure. <br />The Building Department was up from the earlier figure; a desk, three <br />chairs and a typewriter were included, as well as a partition and divider. <br />The need for a typewriter had come about at Mr. Myjre's request for a <br />typewriter for his office. Mr. McLean felt that the police clerk should <br />handle all the paperwork, and that time should not be taken off patrol <br />for this. Mr. Myhre said that this was one of the reasons for the request <br />for the computer. Mr. McLean suggested the $900 for the typewriter be <br />
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