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03/10/1980 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
03/10/1980 Council Minutes
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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10 March 10, 1980 <br />Mr. Kulaszewicz moved to apss a Resolution supporting these bills, with <br />copies tos:be sent Sen. Knnack and Rep. Valento. Also, a copy to the <br />Governor. Seconded by Mr. Jaworski. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. <br />Bohjanen asked permission of the Counco to have the Clerk's office do <br />some typing in conjunction with this matter - there was no objections. <br />Mrs. Sylvia Marier asked the Council if there were any City plans for the <br />upgrading of 77th Street in view of the new development. The Council did <br />not have that information, but Mr. Schumacher will chekc with Mr. Volk and <br />mail the information to Mrs. Marier. <br />Mr. Schumacher presented the Park Board action on the Wollan Estates and <br />the Lino Industrial Park. They have requested a total of 10.5 acres of <br />land to satisft the requirements of both plats. This land will be taken <br />from the Wollan Estates in the Northern part of the plat. There will be <br />more discussion as to the exact location at the public hearing scheduled <br />for March 24, 1980. <br />1 <br />The matter of the Fire Contract with the City of Centerville was considered. <br />Council members had several questions on this document and requested <br />that Mr. Locher check and report back at the next Council meeting. <br />The Public Hearing on Arena Acres was called to order at 8:00 P.M. Mr. <br />Schumacher presented the areas of concern with this plat. 1) the street <br />names, (Mr. Kurth presented a current map with the names changes) 2) the <br />status of the outlots; 3) access to the development; 4) the Park development. <br />(Lot 7 will be dedicated to the City two double tennis courts will be <br />constructed to include the mat and posts for the nets, The remainder of <br />the area will be gaded and seeded. The Park Board will complete this <br />portion as a tot lot. 5) the soils limitations and highwater table. <br />The Planning and Zoning Board has recommended approval of this plat. <br />There was discussion as to the responsibility of the backstops for the <br />tennis courts. Mr. Pete Scherer said the Park Board had agreed they would <br />assume the responsibility for this portion of the development. There was <br />discussion on the numbering of the lots since the street runs both East /West, <br />and North /South. The general consensus of the Council was this numbering <br />should be consecutive regardless of the direction of the street. <br />Mr. Kurth presented a mpa color -coded as to the areas there would be a <br />need for fill. There was some discussion of limiting the type of homes to <br />be constructed to split foyer or ramblers wthout basements. However, Mr. <br />Rehbein pointed out there are several lots where full basements can be <br />ocnstructed - he felt that a change in design is desirable. <br />Mr. McLean moved to approve this plat with the following stipulations; <br />1) Mr. Gotwald to establish a map with minimum elevations; 2) all perc <br />tests are to be done in the area where drainfields are to be installed; 3 <br />Lot 7 to be accepted as Park land with improvements as outlined in the <br />agreeent. Seconded by Mr. Jaworski. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Mrs. Elsenpeter moved to accept the easement connecting this plat with Mr. <br />Brian Dobie's land to the South. Seconded by Mr. Jaworski. Motion <br />carried unanimously. <br />The Public Hearing on Forest Glen was called to order at 8:45 P.M. This <br />is an old plat and is being updated. Mr. Schumacher presented the County's <br />concern with driveways entering onto Lilac Street. Mr. Menkveld agreed <br />that those lots could face the inner streets. This plat has not cleared the <br />
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