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06/23/1980 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
06/23/1980 Council Minutes
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Council Meeting <br />June 23, 1980 <br />Page 2 <br />Mayor Gourley asked if this has been presented to the Park Board and Mr. <br />Schumacher said, No, he had wanted to clear this with the Council before <br />presenting to the Park Board. <br />Mrs. Elsenpeter said she could understand the need for such a piece of equip - <br />ment, particuliarly in view of the problems of tree disposal during the Spring <br />clean -up program. She also felt this should be cleared with the Park Board. <br />Mr. Schumacher pointed out that the period for applying for this money has <br />expired but he had been told that an application would still be considered. <br />Mrs. Elsenpeter moved to authorize Mr. Schumacher to proceed with the applica- <br />tion for State Funds for the purchase of the chipper and in the meantime to <br />present to the Park Board for their approval. Seconded by Mr. Kulaszewicz. <br />Motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Smeed, from the audience, asked if he was on the agenda and was told that <br />he was not. He said he had called the office and was told that he would be put <br />on the agenda under the Open Mike Portion. This was to discuss hLs request <br />for a special use permit to keep horses. He had begun this request with less <br />than the required five acres. He said he has leases to lands that give hfril <br />the required five acres. <br />Mayor Gourley said he was not on the agenda. Mr. Jaworski said this would not <br />be considered under the open mike portion of the agenda - it should be con- <br />sidered under the Planning and Zoning Board report. Mayor Gourley told him he <br />would be heard at that time. <br />The Public Hearing on Sunset Oaks 11 was called to order at 8:02 P.M. Mr. <br />Schumacher presented the actions on this plat to date. This plat is an ex- <br />tension of Marvy Street. The Tots are all of more than one acre. The street <br />conforms to City requirements. The letter from the Planner was summarized. <br />This area had been indicated as Light Industrial in the updated Comprehensive <br />Plan. Mr. Short recommended this remain in'the LI classification. <br />The Planning and Zoning Board had recommended this plat be denied. Mayor <br />Gourley asked for comments from the developer. <br />123 <br />Mr. Stanley noted that this -rPa 's not in the best area for development of <br />LI. The flow of traffic for the area is through a Residential area. Mr. <br />Stanley also felt that industrial development in that area is many years away. <br />It was noted that 74th Street is a State Highway. This is a preliminary Plat <br />and it shows these Tots divided'- this would be possible when streets are added. <br />This is also contingent upon the installation of utilities. <br />Mr. Jaworski' felt that due to the limited access for industrial vehicles, he <br />saw no reasons why this should not be developed as residential. He felt the <br />only way heavy traffic could be kept out of the existing residential area. <br />would be to blockade the steeet. <br />Mayor Gourley asked' for `comments from the audience. 'Someone asked the size of <br />the lots and where the water table was in that area. The lots are from 21 to 3 <br />acres and Mayor Gourley reminded the people that all Lots must have perc tests <br />and the installation of theseptic sustems must conform to WPC -40 which has been <br />adopted by this City. <br />
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